Chapter Nine: Clearly Blind

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"Thank you, Freddie!" I said friendly. My anxiety instantly melted away.

We sat down on the blanket and started looking over the signs that correlate with birth months. I worked on plotting Scorpio and Fred worked on plotting Sagittarius.

"So what's your star sign?" I inquired casually.

"Oh, I think I am an Aries."

"Oooo, that's lovely."

"And what about you." Fred continued.

"Me? I'm an Aquarius."


After an hour of plotting constellations, we had filled a quarter of our map and were exhausted.

I decided to lay down on my back so I could see the stars. Fred was just finishing packing up so he came and laid next to me. I felt so comforted with him. We had been laughing all night about quidditch recounts and stories about pranks on professors. He was truly the most hilarious boy alive.

We stared above at the stars for a while pointing out familiar patterns and arrays we had seen and learnt about in our textbooks.

"And that last there is Indus, it looks like a triangle" Fred informed me.

"Yes, yes I obviously already saw that one" I lied.

"Then why are you looking in the wrong direction?" He giggled.

I tried to keep a straight face, I really did but as soon as I saw his wide grin I couldn't keep it together, we burst out laughing. We laughed for a little longer until it went quiet. I could tell Fred wanted to say something. I could feel the tension in the air. I felt him sit up.

Fred let out a loud frustrated sigh.

I quickly sat up and put my hand on his back. I rubbed my thumbs in small circles just like he did to me that morning, "what's wrong?" I asked.

Fred looked as though he had finally decided on what he was going to say.

"Miranda..." My heart dropped. He never called me by my first name. Ever.

"Miranda I- I want more to be more then friends" He looked into my eyes with such love. But I was overwhelmed. I was frozen.

"I have since the first day of the term, but I didn't want to rush things when you-"

"Fred, Fred stop, I'm so sorry I don't feel the same way, and I don't think I ever will." Fred's face fell into utter sadness. I was getting out of breath again. I had to get out of here. I stood up quickly before Fred could respond and I grabbed my bags which were already packed neatly by the stairs.


After a while, I had finally reached the common room and controlled my breathing.

I walked inside and saw George sitting by the fireplace lazily reading a book. He jumped at the sight me. George quickly stood up with excitement.

"Okay, okay I am so glad he finally told you! And don't bullshit me, I see the way that you look at him when you think no one is looking. I'm fine with you keeping your relationship a secret from everyone else but not from me. I simply must know" The words coming out of his mouth didn't even make sense.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now