Chapter Thirteen: Fireworks

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I was walking in my long white dress. There was small straps arching over my back and a lace-covered chest piece. The dress flowed down my body accentuated my waist and made me feel like a princess.

I could hear the music. I could feel my feet moving. But where was I going? I just need to look.

My vision cleared. I was walking down an aisle with people standing on either side of it and smiling largely at me. Wait. I know what this is. I know where I am.

This is my wedding.

But who am I... but as I think these thoughts crashed like waved over my head I looked forward to seeing who was standing where I was walking to. I should have guessed it. Fred.

I gasped for air as I woke up... it was a dream. Oh my god, it was a dream I just had a dream about for Fred Weasley.

"Hey, are you okay?" Frankie asked

"Yeah, I'm fine bad dream," I replied

"Well, today's the big day! Are you excited?"

I hadn't thought about it and it took me a while to realise what she meant... today was the day of the big surprise.

"Frankie, I'm so not ready. Please help."

Angelina and Alicia weren't in the dorm at the moment, Angelina normally read quidditch in the mornings so I assumed Alicia was in the shower. I put on my black robes and clean, fresh school uniform for the day. I felt at home in this uniform.

This dorm. This place. This school. These people. Everything around me felt like my family. My real family had problems a while ago, that I don't plan on telling anyone and we haven't talked about since. Some things you just can't say out loud. I sometimes think about it late at night but apart from that, it seems irrelevant. I don't know if I will ever talk about it again.

One thing I do know for sure though is that I love surprises, even if they are coming from Fred Weasley. If he was actually surprising me that is.

Frankie wanted me to look nice and she offered to do my hair. I don't really like getting dressed up but obliged for the sake of her happiness. Although I do have to admit I did look pretty nice. My hair was pulled into a half up half down braid style due, one of Frankie's extravagant talents.

When Alicia returned from the shower she told me how lovely I looked which definitely brightened up my morning already. A few moments later we are all heading down to the common room where we saw Angelina and picked her up to go to breakfast.

My feet walked in front of one and other. I was nervous walking through the halls. Was someone gonna jump out at me? I felt like someone was watching me the whole time. But probably just being paranoid. I kept walking. The stone floor of the castle always made me feel grand with my steps loud and defined but this time my steps were booming.

It was time to go into the Great Hall I turned the corner and... nothing was there.

Although I was not expecting much, seeing nothing at all was a little disappointing. I thought Fred would be here but even he was nowhere to be found.

There was a long, sad silence between my friends and I and it was only cured when Angelina piped up and said: "Let's eat shall we."

I started eating my breakfast, three slices of toast with butter and jam. The more I thought about the angrier I got. How dare he get me all exhilarated for nothing. It was such a shitty thing to do. He put me in a shitty situation.

I scoffed down the rest of my toast and started gathering my books together to go to my class. Maybe today wasn't going to be a good one.

As I got up to leave the great hall I heard something thing in the distance. The ground shook a little bit to a rhythm. Whatever I was hearing it was getting closer. Some of the students turned their heads around.

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