Chapter Fifthteen: Butterflies

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The soft winter sunshine peeked through the Gryffindor drapes. I felt warm cuddled up in the piles of sheets thrown over me. I left the curtains around my bed open so I could see the window moonlight parallel to me as I fell asleep last night. Life seemed pretty perfect.

Four dresses hung on each of our wardrobes. The colours of our dresses fit so nicely together. Angelina's dress was a deep velvet purple, with a tie knot in the front and a sharp clean cut just above the ankles. Alica's dress was a light yellow tulle dress with lace straps and small white flowers covering the neckline fading into the dress. Mine being the blush pink and Frankie's silk indigo looked quite at home with the other dresses.

Like a family.

It was still so early so I decided to get out of bed and quickly and run down to the kitchens for hot chocolate and biscuits. I reached the fruit portrait and tickled the pears allowing me to step inside, getting the house-elves. They were more than happy to assist me in my morning endeavours and charmed me a self-elevating, self-stabilising tray so that I could run back quickly to the dorms without anything spilling.

I burst back through the dorm to see Alica and George already up and chatting intensely.

"Hello, you two!" I announce.

George and Alica both turn toward me with bashful smiles with a hint of smugness. I clear my throat and turn to my other two sleeping best friends.

"Awaken, awaken, I have brought fuel to start the most exciting day of our wizardry schooling experience... the Yule Ball." I could see the twinkle in their eyes, fluttering open.


Soon we climbed out onto the roof of the Gryffindor tower. We were all gathered in blankets and coats with our hot cocoa and gingersnaps. George decided to join us on the end of the line in his Gryffindor-red plaid woollen nightwear, sharing a blanket with Alica. Angelina and Frankie started to drill me again on questions, just like last night.

"So what are you going to do when you see him today?" Frankie asked.

I thought about Fred, all I wanted to do was see him again.

His eyes, his shoulders, his lips.

"Randy... helloooo. Earth to Randy" Frankie snapped her fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and broke my daydream.

"Oh sorry yeah, it will be good," I said still half stuck in my daydream.

Angelina and Frankie just laughed as we watched the sunrise over snowy Hogwarts.


The girls and I spent the rest of the day playing in the white powdered snow. We were near hagrid's hut and to the left of the forbidden forest. I spent some time last-minute wrapping gifts for tomorrow, Christmas day. As I was wrapping I released how much missed my boys. I hadn't seen them all day, so I decided to go find them.

I was wrapping my presents in the girl's bathroom stall, I know extreme caution but if Frankie saw me wrapped in the dorms or common room she wouldn't hesitate hexing me to find out what she got.

I putting the remaining wrapping paper and the boxes of presents in my small jacket wallet. It was bound with an undetectable extension charm, a present from my fourteenth birthday.

I was longing to see the boys again after such a hard few hours without them, but most of all I wanted to see Fred again. I started to head up to the dorms.

I was looking down at the tainted stone floor when I bumped into a tall figure. I smiled gladly when I looked up and saw Fred standing there.

A small smile crept up onto his face.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now