Chapter Ten: Fuck you, Fred

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I was running. The wind that travelled through the empty corridors from the open balcony froze my skin. The first day of winter held crisp air its touch on your face was like crunching a hard leave below your feet. 

My lips tingled. 

I could hear his footsteps behind me. I was angry but I didn't care anymore. I just ran. I got tired and I must've slowed down because the next thing I knew I felt two wrist grab mine and pull me back.


He looked dishevelled once again, but this time with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, one that I knew could only meet one thing. 

What had just happened in the room of requirement made me feel so many things. When my lips touched him it felt so natural. I can't lie, I had been thinking about kissing him every day this year. But my hate overpowered it. I'm sure I saw him talking to a Ravenclaw the other day. It infuriates me. he could never be happy with just be the person he always has to take and take it's not fair. I won't be another useless tool in his mind games. 

I register him holding me tightly and turn to speak. 

"Fred stop I need to go" he loosens his grip on my wrists still holding my hands but I can't bring it to myself to walk away. 

"We need to talk about this" Fred stated. 

"There is nothing to talk about" I snapped.

"I still like you Miranda" he vowed. 

"And  I don't. I can't believe you acted like such a player luring me in to kiss you well knowing I don't return the same romantic feelings!" I felt more aware of the whole situation now my thoughts were regrouping. 


"WHAT" I exclaimed in surprise.

"You heard me. I only believe it is a matter of time before you fall for me"


"Let's clear some things up before we move on, shall we? What I overheard you saying to George on Monday hurt me... a lot. But after you, so kindly showed your passion and an obvious hunger for me with your beautiful lips I can confidently come to the conclusion you were saying those things to try and push your conflicting emotions away." Fred said with sarcasm along with absolute truth. 

"You let me kiss you, you-u made me go further" I blurted unable to string a coherent sentence together. 

" Hold on, let's rewind a little shall we because it seems you are suffering from a serious case of memory loss." He spoke amused. 

"I actually thought the kiss would make you uncomfortable and was about to offer to do the truth in your place like the chivalrous man I am until you smashed your gorgeous lips into mine. And just when I felt the kiss coming to an end you straddle me and continue to kiss me. I mean no complaints whatsoever but I can tell you right now what happened in there was completely on you Benny!" Fred let out a large exhale as he finished his sentence.

I was baffled. Was he right? Did I have feelings for him? No, I don't. He is Fred Weasley, a stupid prankster and a well-known player. No, there are no feelings there. 

I look up into his eyes when a smirk creeps onto his face. A lean in a little closer and smile into my next words.

"Fuck you, Fred" 


Last night I had gone back to my dorm to enjoy some peace and quiet ditching the annual sleepover. I woke up to go to Saturday's breakfast. I put on one of nicer outfits, my style was getting better this year, less innocent. Borrowing things from Frankie has helped the most. This morning she had picked me out a black leather skirt to pair with my booties for our trip to Hogsmeade. 

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now