Chapter Fourteen: Changing

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Fred lowered my legs onto the ground of the empty hallway. The way he held me was everything, he made me feel safe and strong and supported. I couldn't help but chuckle at myself when I realised what actions I had just performed in front of the whole school.

"What are you laughing to yourself about? Huh?" Fred looked down at me with his chocolate eyes staring back into mine and smiled.

"Oh, I just realised what I have bloody got myself into." We started walking hand in hand as he answered back.

Fred quickly pulled me around the corner into a deserted corridor and pinned me against the wall.

"I knew you couldn't pretend forever Benny" He answered in a husky tone. Fred cupped my cheek and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Nothing felt better than this. I embraced him with my whole body, bringing my hands up to his hair and pulling slightly through it. Fred moaned softly into my mouth as he slid his tongue across my bottom lip.

The kiss was desperate and hungry, there was no doubting it. We had been waiting for this for a while. Fred moved to the corner of my mouth matching my hunger and started to travel down.

"I can't..." He kissed my jaw "believe..." He kissed under my ear "you said yes" Fred huffed. I only groaned back in response smiling up at him as he pulled away to look at my face.

"You fucking said yes." His voice was so full of lust and excitement. He dove back into my neck targeted the sweet spot beneath my ear. I couldn't help but drag my nails down his back as he sucked a hard hickey on my neck. "God Fred!" I murmured in pleasure.

Fred placed a swift kiss on my lips before returning to looking at me. "Sorry got a bit carried away," Fred spoke still letting his eyes roam my lips.

I looked down "Yeah, me too" I chuckled. I could feel Fred his smirk and when we both looked at each other we burst out laughing. It was more like a relieved laugh, one of us had to give in eventually.

"Hey, we should do this again sometime." Fred mocked flicking his hair back. I pushed his broad shoulders, causing him to stumble back a little. He looked as if he was almost about to fall over so I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down, closer to me. "Never in a million years Weasley," I whispered into his ear.

I kissed him again roughly. His hands slid around my waist. My hands slid around his neck and back up into his messy hair. I couldn't keep my hands off him.

We stayed kissing like this for a while until a familiar voice clearer her throat.

Fred and I jumped apart. My cheeks blushed a harsh red and Fred only plastered a smug smile on his face.

Angelina and Katie Bell were standing in front of us. They stifled a laugh. "Sorry to interpret but Miranda and I have class." Angelina grabbed the sleeve of my bicep and quickly dragged me a few feet away. I stopped in my tracks not walking with her anymore. Looking back at Fred who was leaning casually against the wall in an I-don't-care way.

"One second," I said in a hushed tone.

I rushed back to Fred and pulled him in for a quick peck but Fred deepens it. Without stopping myself my body unravels under his touch. The kiss becomes passionate again. My hands graze his sharp jaw and I cup them around the side of his face. His arms roam freely around my lower body. I wanted to pull away but I simply couldn't even though I could feel Angelina's harsh eyes on me.

"COME OFF IT YOU HORNY MUTTS" Angelina shouted causing a few trickling students to look our way. Fred grabbed tighter onto my waist with one hand and stuck his middle finger up to Angelina with the other. I laughed into the kiss and finally pulled myself away.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now