Chapter Sixteen: The Yule Ball Part I

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The Yule ball was here.

I was so ready for the most perfect night of my life. I had the perfect friends and the perfect date.

Cheesy I know.

"Whats up Frankielicoius," I asked Frankie, her brows furrowed and her face screwed up.

"I can't find my fucking shoes." She pulled on her hair a little with a sense of urgency.

I looked around nervously only to see Alica holding a black pair of heels and walking toward us.

"There we are my darling," Alica said as she kissed Frankie on the cheek in a mother-like way. Frankie smiled at her and nodded in thanks.

I had decided to do my hair slightly curled and in a half up half down. When I was ready, I told the girls; watch this and pulled out the silver box that Lee gifted me, a couple of hours ago. I opened it gently to have two dancing butterflies circle the dorm and land in my hair perfectly placed to cover my hair tie and compliment my shoes.

"Woah!" The girls exclaimed.

"Where did you get that" Angelina demanded dramatically.

"Lee made it for me" I smirked. "Early Christmas present."

"Well Godric, how I am going to top that?" Frankie sighed.

The other girls laughed a little and told me that it finalised the look.

"Okay, ladies gather around. Last-minute checks!" Frankie exclaimed.

"Lipgloss, mirrors and powder?" Angelina said.

"Check." We chimed in.

"Hair ties, cameras and wands?" Alica asked.


"Confidence, beauty and joy" I happily mocked.


"Oh and don't forget, condoms, extra underwear and a razor"


We all at Frankie. "Guys it's the necessities!"

"Let's go meet our dates!" I laugh.


As we twisted around the spiral staircase and into the common room four boys came into site. Noah Coleman, Lee Jordan, George Weasley and Freddie.

Frankie's date was her boyfriend, Noah Coleman. They met first at the end of the staircase and his eyes followed her. She ran up to him for a quick kiss and I heard the mutterings of I love you's exchanged between them.

Alica met Lee at the foot of the staircase. Lee flashed his bright grin and twirled Alica around saying she looked beautiful.

Angelina's date was George, they had formed a great friendship quietly through their passion for quidditch, on and off the pitch. Months ago they had agreed to go together.

Lastly was me. As the girls cleared I walked through and down the steps to the boy who wouldn't leave me alone the whole school year. I am glad it was him. I didn't want anyone else. Fred's jaw hung open a little, admiring the blush pink dress that flowed out around me. 

My heels tapped as I reached him. He took my fingertips in his to kiss the back of my hand, "M'lady." He bowed. I giggled. His broad shoulder was framed beautifully in the dress robes he was wearing. Black and white classically with a pink tie to match my dress. It seemed pretty perfect to me.

Katie appeared out of the dorm and flashed Angelina a grin. Katie wore a beautiful gold dress with off the shoulder straps. George shot her a knowing look and told Angelina that she could catch him up later.

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