Chapter Five: Loser

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The four girls stepped out of the great hall. The students from the schools Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstrang Institute followed behind them.

"Wow! So, Triwizard Tournament this year! All these new friends how exciting" Alica grinned.

"Just seems like more people to deal with for me." Angelina chuckled sarcastically.

"Wow, you really do need a drink," Frankie suggested.

"Girls" Miranda's tone was deep and serious "race you to the common room?"

Without hesitation, the four of them were running their asses off through the hallways and up the main staircase getting some seriously concerning stares from other students.

But they didn't care.

The group continued to run faster and faster pushing each other out of the way and casting hexes to slow each other down.

"Protego!" Angelina shouted as Alica fired a leg locker curse her way.

"Engorio" Miranda watched as her spell turned a statue two times the size of itself and blocked Frankie's path. She quickly ran around it and hurried after the group.

By some miracle, none of them were hit by each other's spells.

"AHA! I WIN." Alica yelled triumphantly.

The rest of the group stumbled breathlessly toward Alica totally out of breath.

"Okay you win this time but tomorrow night is a different story," Angelina said.

"Yeah, you wanna bet on that?" Frankie fired back.

They all fled into the common room and headed upstairs to crack open the fire whiskey.


A couple of hours had passed and Angelina had gotten so drunk she was about to pass out. The rest of the girls were tipsy and giggly the soberest being Alica... what a surprise. "Hey, why don't you guys go to the common room to sober up before bed and I will tuck this one in." Alica gestured to Angelina who was slow dancing to no music with the almost empty bottle of fire whiskey in her hand.

Frankie and Miranda agreed graciously and headed downstairs. "Thanks, Alica." they both said simultaneously making them burst out into another fit of giggles.

Miranda and Frankie opened the door of their dorm and travelled down the stairs. The two of them toppled into the common room to find Lee Jordan, George Weasley and most importantly Fred Weasley.

They were smoking pot. Not surprising, but worthy blackmail. Frankie was laughing so hard to have discovered the boys like this, but the recent events of what happened on the train sobered Miranda right up. She was fuming.

The boys turn around, they have been caught. Fred and Miranda locked eyes.

    To even see Fred's face she could punch his perfect brown orbs right then and there.

Fred walked up to them keeping direct eye contact with Miranda as he towered over her. "How lovely to see you again." His arrogant tone was all that Miranda needed to make her next move.

With the newfound confidence of the alcohol she lunged toward Fred and with all her might punched him in the arm, she wasn't strong in the slightest but her action took the whole crowd by surprise.

Fred stumbled back in shock and looked up to his friends and Frankie.

They just couldn't keep it together, they burst out laughing while Fred and Miranda were still angry.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now