Chapter Six: Sobering Solution

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Miranda's POV

The next morning I woke up with a pounding head. Slowly but surely I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to grab some water, but before I could take a step further Angelina came out of nowhere and shoved a potion down my throat. As soon as it hit my mouth the headache left my body and I regained some much-needed balance, ah, thank god for the sobering solution.

I tried to rethink the events of last night but they seem to be fading and so I let it go. Just as I was heading to the bathroom I heard a voice shouting toward me. 

"Oh and Miranda, Frankie told us all about your wrestling match with a certain 6' foot '3 red-head!" Alicia called from the far side of the room. The events of last night hit me like a truck. Fred.

I am so glad we made up after that train incident and even gladder we have an inside joke. He lost our little wrestling match. Total loser. I couldn't help but feel a smirk slowly creeping across my face. I wonder if he remembers last night too. 

I pick myself up again and wander to the bathrooms.


Fred's POV

I woke up with an intense hungover feeling, I grabbed a small navy vial of sobering solution, quickly gulping it down. Everything seemed a little clearer now. 

I remember most of last night.. although some parts seemed a little blurry. One part I remembered the most was... reconnecting with Miranda Benson aka Benny. I used to be such good friends with her when we first started school so it was good to sort out our issues. I just wish I could be her friend again. Last year was absolute rubbish fooling around with so many girls. I think I need to stick to my studies this year. 

Over the summer when Hermione was at the burrow told her that I wanted to get my grades up instead of well...I left that part out. I am naturally gifted but having good marks is something I need this year, of course, she had a whole handbook of teachers and their style of teaching at the age of 13. She had even studied some of my coursework and offered to help me. I declined appreciatively. I don't want anyone knowing I'm worried about school though, that would completely ruin my swag, I can't have that. 

As I walked out of the dorm I look to my left to see George and Lee still passed out from last night. I assume they will skip today. I thought it would be best to get ready for class, my first class was charms and I know Professor Flitwick likes to introduce the coursework in the first lesson. I decided to hurry up and let them sleep. 

As I take my first step outside I run straight into a body that at least a head smaller than me. Miranda. 

"He Benny," I said in a friendly tone.

"Hello, Freddie, I see you are waking up late as well," Miranda replied.

"Yes and skipping, breakfast, to save the time of course," I said.

"You simply can't! You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day! And today is the most important day of the year making it extra important" Miranda giggles.

I grin widely, gazing at her. Does she remember last night?

It's as if Miranda read my mind; she added, "And, yes, I remember last night... loser"

I laugh as she starts to walk away. I grab her wrist. "Hey, Benny"


"I am really glad we are friends again I missed you a lot last year, I getting my priorities straight though, I wanted you to know." By surprise, I feel small arms wrapping around my body. "I so glad we are friends again as well." Miranda laughed. She squeezed me tightly and then released herself from my body.  

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