Chapter Eighteen: Yule Ball Part III

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Near to the Astronomy tower was a small door to the left potentially used for cleaning supplies of the Astronomy tower but was cleared out before I started at Hogwarts. I found this place on my fifth day at Hogwarts. I was crying because I was homesick and away from my black furred and green-eyed precious cat, Shadow.

I decided to skip dinner when I couldn't calm myself down and visit the astronomy tower after my first visit the night prior. It brought me a lot of peace being so high up. I tripped over a raised bit of stone floor and practically fell into the small but empty room. I choked on the dust that encases the room. Although, my eyes followed to a beautiful sight, the glass-pane arch window that projected a perfect view of Hogwarts.

The hinges creaked loudly from misuse during the first year but then as my visits became more frequent, the creaking subsided.

When Frankie and I's friendship cemented fully in second year I took her to the room to show her it. She was shocked at how empty it was, lectured me on how I was doing enough with the secret space. We worked on transfiguring a blanket for months into a mattress so we could have a comfortable place to look at while stargazing.

Finally we settled for our lumpy excuse of a mattress and covered it with blankets and pillows to give a more couch-like feel. I never had the heart to change the mattress over the years, although my abilities would allow me to change it within a second, I didn't want to.

Fred looked puzzled when I bent down a little to fit through the doorway of the room, only to stand back up again. The doorway was abnormally small.

"Welcome to my pride and joy!" I breathed. "Lumos maxima."

"My god, here I was thinking all along I was your pride and joy." Fred mocked the hurt.

Fred smiled wided when he took his first glances at the room after shutting the door. To the left and right were two sets of shelves, dusty old things that arrived with the room. I had decided to store more blankets, muggle and wizard book and some of my favourite at home keepsakes that made this small room truly magical. The floor matched the rest of the cobblestone castle except there was a small circular beige rug that sat in between the shelfs.

"Wow Benson, this really is amazing."

I snaked my hand behind him to switch on the fairy lights that illuminated the entire room. Nox. He then saw the bed area and the huge window that covered most of the back wall. The sheets on the bed were white but covered with pillows ranging from red crochet to white satin. I pulled one of the blankets out of the box and jumped onto the bed to sit by the window.

I felt Fred sit next to me and snake his arms around my waist.

"Hi," I said, turning to Fred, kissing his cheek.

"Hello," he replied. "The stars are beautiful."

"I found this place my first year, awfully homesick I was. I sorta like to think this place found me. Fred-" I turned to him and looked into his brown eyes, "no one knows about this place, well except Frankie, so you must keep it a secret okay?" His smile reached his eyes as he shot a reply.

"You sure you don't bring all your random hookups here?"

"Fred," I warned.

"Yes I promise." He nodded, proceeding to stick out his pinky. I scrunch my eyebrows together trying to figure out what Fred was doing.

"It's a muggle thing, a pinky promise. You can never break a pinky promise." He kept his finger there until I latched mine on with caution.

"You sure you're not tricking me into an unbreakable vow?" I questioned. Fred threw his hand back in laughter, finding the whole situation funny.

Fuck you Fred (a Fred Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now