Chapter Two: History

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Miranda had told Frankie all about her summer in Italy, the rivers, the weather and the food. Interacting with muggle people was new to her, but not her parents. Her mother and father were both half-bloods. Her trip to Italy this summer was her first time overseas. She sent postcards by muggle-mail and rode in trains and cars, with no apparition as her parents wanted a "muggle experience." Although Miranda loved her trip to Italy she couldn't help but miss Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, she felt most at home.

Last year she did well in all of her classes topping Charms and Astronomy. Miranda definitely had a passion for learning but she also knew how to have fun. Frankie and she even snuck out once with the twins. Fred and George. They kept looking down at a piece of parchment maybe a map but they would never show them or tell them what it was. The four of them travelled through a secret tunnel that led from Hogwarts to the cellar of Honeydukes Sweetshop in Hogsmeade.

Wow. That was almost a year ago

The rest of the year Fred was rumoured to be fucking multiple other girls. She never had the most concrete evidence of this but Miranda always noticed when he was chatting up a Ravenclaw in the hallway or walking a Hufflepuff to potions. It made her blood boil. He was such a sweet boy up until last year, always making her laugh late at night in the common room or talking to her when she needed advice. Fred never really opened up to her but they still had a nice friendship. 

But once he started fooling around with so many girls Miranda completely distanced herself. She never liked that behaviour and every time she was near him that was all she could think of. Frankie wasn't as bothered and probably would've stayed friends with him if it wasn't for Miranda.


Miranda had just finished telling Frankie about her summer. "Okay now that your done please can I tell you about Noah Colman?"

"The Ravenclaw boy? I mean sure"

Frankie was bursting with excitement. She went on to tell the story of how Noah came to her house in the holidays a couple of days ago and how he had grown over the summer... in more ways than one apparently. Frankie had felt a connection with Noah that she hadn't felt with anyone before. She called it truly magical.

"And when we finally ended up making out I took him up to my bedroom and things got heated, I mean really heated."

Miranda was on the edge of her seat.

"Long story short I ended up sucking his dick so hard he came within one minute! Of course, we cast a silencing charm but I loved to see him scream my name so raw and dirty- "

"-Okay I think I have heard enough Frankie! Well done?" Miranda mumbled

"Don't worry you'll get there one day little one," Frankie said sarcastically.

"Mhm, well if I had a crush I would at least tell him that I like him instead of sucking his dick and not even writing him a letter" Miranda rebutted

Frankie was shocked and proud. Miranda was worried she went a little too far.

"Your humour has improved vastly over the summer Randy"

Relief swept over Miranda and they both burst out laughing once again.


After eating so much food and talking for hours about their little adventures in summer and what they plan to do for school this year the two had just over an hour until they arrived at Hogwarts. They seemed to have swung back to the conversation of Noah Coleman. Again.

"Okay okay I know what happened and I know you like him. A lot apparently. But on a more serious note are ever going to tell him?"

As if it were magic Noah Colman lightly tapped on their compartment window of the train.

Both their heads shot up to the window of the door. "Do you think he heard us? Oh my god, he totally did. I-" Frankie was interrupted by Miranda's hushed voice

"-Don't freak out just go up to him and tell him you like him. Shouldn't be too hard." And with that, she pulled a panicked Frankie up from the seat and shoved her out the compartment door.

Miranda watched Noah Coleman and Frankie Hunter awkwardly greet each other. Before Noah could even say anything Frankie blurted "I like you." The emotions shown on Noah's face made it clear he felt the same way. 

He snaked his long hands around her waist and pulled her into a sloppy yet passionate kiss. Frankie was pushed up against the wall harshly and kissed on her necked hungrily.

Miranda saw Frankie pull away and gesture to the compartment.

Miranda looked up and saw them tumble into the compartment in a tangled mess. This was her cue to leave she decided to grab her robes and head for the bathroom to get changed before they arrived at Hogwarts.

As she left the compartment she heard some strange moans coming from... Noah... or maybe Frankie? Whoever it was they could be heard. Clearly. Miranda cast a quick muffliato Charm and walked quickly in the other direction.


I know, I know, another short chapter but I had to give you something before the first meeting of Fred and Miranda after summer!!! I am so excited! You are going to love it! 

I wonder who Miranda is going to bump into at the bathrooms...


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