22. The Battle

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The final part of the war is upon them all, and sadly there have been many casualties. Fred Weasley. Remus Lupin. Tonks. All taken far too soon. And Harry... He's gone. The boy they were all fighting for. He lays dead in Hagrid's arms.

Hermione cries for his death, but also for the fact her best friend, the friend taken months ago, is laying at the feet of the man who caused all of this. Lydia is unconscious at Lord Voldemorts feet as he addresses them all. And Draco is letting it happen.

Draco's heart drops as he sees Lydia laying at the Dark Lords feet, unmoving, eyes closed. He goes to leap forward when his mother grabs his arm, holding him in place. "That won't help her." She whispers. "Patience." She whispers again.

Draco swallows hard and looks at the nose less freak, glaring as he talks to all of his old school peers, the opposition. Right now, he'd do anything to run over and join them. Lydia should be over there with them, she should be safe and alive. He doesn't even know if she's alive... He was taken from the house yesterday and has no idea what his aunt did to his love. What if... What if she's dead? What will he do?

"Take this mud blood for example." Voldemort says as he motions to Lydia; Draco inches closer but his mother holds tighter. "A pureblood was able to lure her in because she was so weak minded. So naive. This - this is why we must purify the magic world. Who is ready to join us!?"

Before Draco even knows it, Harry Potter, the boy who lived and then died and now lives again, leaps out of Hagrids arms. As a knee jerk reaction, Draco takes off running. "Potter!" He calls, throwing his wand to his old nemesis. With the dark Lord momentarily distracted, Draco grabs Lydia and runs, pushing past Hermione, Ron, Neville and everyone else, rushing into the destroyed Great Hall.

Molly Weasley gasps. "What did you do!" She yells, grabbing her wand and pointing it at Draco.

"It wasn't me! Please, please help her." He begs, walking closer despite the wand aimed at his chest. "I beg you, Mrs Weasley, Lydia is all I've got!"

Molly hesitates, but slowly nods, leading Draco to one of the empty cots. "Set her down, quickly now. You better hope Arthur doesn't see you near her."

Draco lays her down, placing a kiss on her head as he does, before stepping back. "What are you going to do?"

"Finite Incantatem." Molly says, aiming her wand at the girl.

"That only works for minor curses." Draco frowns.

"We have to try everything. Go, help the others. I'll look after her." She promises, glancing over her shoulder.

Draco hesitates for a moment before he runs off, out into the sudden commotion. Once he's gone Molly leans close and kisses Lydia's head. "Please be okay." She whispers. She can't lose another child.

Draco stops in the entrance of the great Hall. Where should he go... He looks around and runs towards a few 2nd years about to be attacked, grabbing one of their wands to use. They probably thought he was after them, until he fended off a death eater.

"Go, inside. Go!" He demands, the 3 girls running inside quickly.

"Draco! Draco let's go!" Lucius calls, cowardly hiding behind a pillar.

Draco glares. "No. I will right your wrongs, and mine." He says.

Narcissa quickly runs over, grabbing his hands. "Draco, come on. Let's go. You saved the girl, now let's-"

He snatches his hand away. "I won't leave her. Or anyone here. No more doing as I'm told." He snaps, rushing away.

It doesn't take long for things to quieten down, most people inside, tending to the injured and those lost. Draco finds a quiet step and sits down, his head in his hands as he gets a moment to think - finally. He bursts into tears, unable to stop them. He cries for Lydia, praying she isn't in pain. He cries for those he's hurt, and that were hurt because of his family's selfish actions. And he cries for himself - for letting all of this happen to him. For being a coward himself. Just like his stupid father.

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