9. Summer

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Lydia sits quietly on the train, in a cabin alone, just like old times. Ron, Harry and Hermione have a lot to deal with right now so she gets their sudden quietness. She's not mad at them - well, she is with Harry, of course. So after the year she's had, she can't help but feel a little relieved at some proper alone time. Because in less than an hour, she'll be back in London and headed home to the world's smallest house with her crazy family. Yay.

She grabs her bags as the train pulls into platform 9 3/4, taking her time getting off as wizarding parents rush to their children. She grabs her cases and puts them on a cart, rushing through the barrier and into the quiet station, heading for the main entrance. She can't help but smile wide as she sees her dad leaning against the beat up, green Land Rover they have.

"Dad!" She squeals, running at him.

He smiles and catches her in a hug. "Loopy!"

She rolls her eyes and grins, looking up at him. "Did you miss me!?"

He playfully deliberates. "Ehhh, maybe." He says, putting her trunks in the back. "Your mum did. So let's get on the road before I get another call asking where we are. Does she not realise the train doesn't get in until 7, not us getting home at 8." He rolls his eyes

Lydia giggles and climbs in, telling her dad about all the things she's learned lately. She leaves out the stuff like the tournament, knowing he'll worry and freak, but tells him of the lessons and creatures she's experienced as a fourth year.

"Well, Lyds, I definitely think this wizarding thing was the best thing to happen to you. You may actually have more brain cells than Silas."

Lydia bits his leg as he laughs. "Silas is thicker than anyone else we know, that isn't a compliment! God that boys adorable but he's got nothing going on in that head of his." She giggles.

"They all wanted to stay up so beware. Lucas probably crashed, so did Riley, but Silas and Max will probably still be up." Her dad says as he focuses on the road.

The sun is still relatively out, but the sky is dulling as the journey drags on. Eventually, by the time the sun's gone, they make it to the village Lydia calls home. And just before 10,she's rushing inside to her mum. Lydia's mum pulls her into the tightest hug, holding her only daughter close.

"You're home!" She gushes, sighing in relief.

Lydia grips her mum tightly as she closes her eyes. "Home sweet home." She nods. She laughs as several arms wrap around them, her brothers joining their hug. All four are wired and awake - yay! She spends the evening telling them about school, going into more detail than she did with her dad. Silas and Lucas fall asleep on her by midnight, but at only 3 it's expected of Lucas to crash. Silas is 8, but falls asleep anywhere and everywhere.

Sam, Lydia's mum, watches her daughter for a while. "You're... Different. I know it's been a while since we saw you but you seem... I don't know."

Lydia blushes and glances at Match of The Day on the TV, her dad snoring rather than watching it. "I am? I suppose I am 15 in 3 months, that could be it." Lydia shrugs.

Her mum tilts her head. "It's not that. I'll figure it out. Don't you worry."


Lydia laughs as Silas throws himself down the hill, disturbing so many dandelion puffs, sending the seeds flying everywhere. "Dude, we're supposed to be keeping clean!"

He grins. "But we alwaaaaays do this, Liddy!" He dusts as many seeds off as he can.

Lydia helps, checking Lucas and the others haven't ran too far ahead. "Yes well these clothes see new buddy and mum and dad can't really afford to replace them so soon. Just be careful, okay?"

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