21. The Curse

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Draco's hands shake as he kneels before the Dark Lord; he's half dressed, all he could manage before his aunt practically dragged him here. His suit trousers are crumpled and creased and half his shirt buttons are mismatched. He doesn't even have shoes on.

"Dear Draco..." His chilling voice says slowly as he walks around the kneeling boy. "I had... Such high hopes for you..."

Draco normally mutters and moans about how Voldemort talks. The pauses. The feathery tone. So fake and dull. But he is clever enough to know not to talk right now for the dark Lord is MAD. "Sir..."

"Your father has failed. And it seems you are headed on the very same direction." He muses.

Draco clenches his hands together; he has to behave. For Lydia. The Dark Lord continues. "You fell for a mudblood. You have created such a messy situation here, boy, when you were supposed to be clearing things up." He sighs, sitting back on his throne.

Voldemort has taken over Malfoy Manor a lot more than previously. It is his home now. The old dining room is now his thrown room. The Malfoys have been allowed to keep their bedrooms but have had no say on the numerous guests whom appear and trash the place upon arrival. The place is a state.

Draco swallows the lump in his throat. "I am sorry you think that, My Lord, but it simply isn't true." He says. "The mudblood was a ploy. I wanted to show how easyily their minds are persuaded and how simple it is for us to do as we please." He says, reciting the story he's had days to think over. He hates talking so lowly of his love but she'd forgive him, he's sure.

Voldemort tuts. "I just... I'm not entirely convinced I can believe you, Draco."


Draco suddenly screams in agony as his master aims his wand, announcing the word crucio! Draco arches as he falls froward, his head hitting the stone flooring. He barely registers that pain over the pain of the curse, the curse he's seen others writhe in pain over and never imagined he would.

The pain seems never ending, time seeming to stop, until he finally slumps down, his final scream echoing. He pants as tears stream down his cheeks; Voldemort kicks him so he's laying on his back, staring up at his master.

"Draco... My dear boy... Tell me the truth." He says softly. "Do you love the girl?"

"N-no!" Draco says, struggling to say the word as his whole body shudders with the remnants of the pain.

"Do you love a mudblood?" He asks again.

"Non-agh!" Draco cries out again as his body is one again alight with pain. He can't even describe it. Part of it feels like someone is clutching each organ, making it hard to breath or think or move. It's like he can't breath. Another part of it feels like someone has set him on fire and keeps throwing needles into the flames that stab right onto his nerve endings. It's hell. It's agony.

This endures; after a total of 7 times, the Dark Lord stops. "You have done well, my boy... To have endured such pain, you've shown me you truly are being truthful." He says, holding a hand out to help Draco up.

Draco lays, sweaty and panting, twitching occasionally in pain. He slowly rolls over, his shaky hand taking his Masters as he accepts help up. Voldemort helps the boy up and pats his back. "You have earned my respect. And my trust."

"T-thank you." Draco swallows hard.

"Duty calls, Draco. Back to work." The Dark Lord says casually.


Molly sits reading another letter from Lydia's parents. Her poor niece is out there all alone... And her parents aren't any wiser as to what's going on. "I don't know how much longer I can do this." She whispers to Bill and Charlie.

Charlie pats his mother's arm. "It's for the best. Lydia wouldn't want them worried and we can risk them getting involved - it wouldn't end well. Just... Say something about 7th year kicking her ass and apologise after for saying ass."

Molly chuckles small. "Very Lydia." She sighs, enchanting the quil to mimic Lydia's handwriting. Once the letter is sent off with Burn, she heads to the living room. "Anything?" She asks hopeful.

"Nothing, love." Arthur sighs. Not only is their Lydia gone, their Ron and Hermione and Harry are also missing. But those three are together meaning they're safer than Lydia.

"What if we..." George starts but cuts himself off.

"What?" Arthur asks, looking over.

George shares a look with his twin. "What if we write to Draco somehow? Or ask Gin-"

"No!" Arthur's voice booms. "No no no!"

They fall silent, a red faced Arthur taking a moment to calm. "No." He says much more calmly. "Don't ever mention that name again. He's probably the one who has her."

Fred and George leave the room not long after, both headed up to their messy room. They sit silently on their beds. "Dad said not to..." George says.

"But dad won't know." Fred finishes his twins though as he reaches for some parchment.


Ginny keeps her head low as she walks to her next class. Hogwarts is anything but a place of magic and safety at the moment, not with all these death eaters looming around the halls. She tries to ignore them as she makes her way to the seventh floor. Instead of heading for the Room of Requirement where the students have set up camp, she heads up the tower at the end of the hall.

She stands by the window and waits, her heart in her throat. She can't believe she agreed to this. Fred and George are idiots. Why did she listen to them? Her head snaps around and she looks at Draco as he comes up the final steps.

He looks... Sick. His eyes are sunken in, his hair a mess. His once pristine appearance is dishevelled and untidy. He swallows hard. "Weasley... I got your note." He says.

Ginny stands in a strong pose, her hands on her hips. "I have something to ask."

"Go ahead." He says, grossing his arms over his chest.

"Where is Lydia."

Ginny watches as Draco finches at her name, his head turning away as he bites back tears. That's not the reaction of someone who's recently seen her... "I... I don't know." He manages to whisper, clearing his throat. This time he speaks louder, clearer. "I haven't seen her since the end of last school year. You know that."

"We know she was with you when she went missing. No one knew you and her were even friends." She says harshly, trying to maintain dominance over the conversation. Deep down, her heart knows he hasn't got her cousin.

"I love her!" He snaps. "No one else had to know that for it to be true! And I'll have you know that Harry and Hermione knew. Hermione always knew."

Ginny is quiet for a moment before she looks at her feet, swallowing hard. "I miss her." She whispers, the facade gone.

"Me too... He has her. But I'm doing all I can to make sure she's okay. Please, don't tell anyone. I need this to stay between us." He begs.

Ginny looks at him with teary eyes. "Promise me she'll make it out of this alive."

"I promise."

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