20. Fall Down

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Lydia rushes around frantically trying to find Draco. She has to know if he was the one to push the headmaster off the tower. She has to know if he went through with it. Because... If he did... He isn't the man she thought he was.

She's breathless as she runs to the dungeons, rushing into the Slytherin common room. She freezes on the top of the steps, noticing Draco crying on his knees by the fire. She swallows hard. "Draco..."

"I COULDN'T DO IT!" He sobs, his head in his hands.

Lydia feels some form of relief and rushes over, kneeling beside him. "Shh, I'm here." He wraps both arms around her and holds her close as he cries. She rubs his back gently and coos to him, hoping to comfort him somehow. "Darling, let's run... Let's go. Now." She suggests.

Draco pulls away and looks into her eyes. "You'd really do that?" He whispers, cupping her jaw.

She nods holding his hand to her cheek. "I would. For you."

He nods shakily, kissing her deeply for a moment. "Let's go."

"Isn't this sweet." A sickly voice says.

Lydia's blood runs cold as Draco pales. He stands and quickly pushes Lydia behind him, grabbing his wand out. "No!" He yells.

Bellatrix giggles, skipping down the steps. "Itty bitty Draco and girl... Who is she, nephew?" She asks, stalking closer to the pair.

Draco moves as she does, keeping Lydia hidden behind him. "She's no one. Leave."

"Mm... You're protecting nothing awfully Well. Too bad..." She disapperates quickly, appearing behind Draco and Lydia; she grabs Lydia by the hair and yanks her back.

"Draco!" Lydia screams in pain, falling hard to her knees at the feet of the woman who murdered Sirius.

"Bella! Please, no!" Draco begs, his eyes wide as he stairs at Lydia.

Bella grins. "Who is she Draco... If she was a pure blood, I'd know her. And I don't. So... That means..."

"Stop!" Draco begs as she tugs on Lydia's hair more making her whimper. "She's Cedrella's granddaughter!"

Bella gasps as she smirks. "Oh... Oh the bastard child was real!? Well well well, I should take her to the Dark Lord. He can decide what happens to her. Toodaloo!"

Draco lunges and screams as Bella disapperates with Lydia, both gone. "NO!!!!" He falls to his knees and hits the ground. After getting his anger out, he rushes to find someone, anyone.

He finds Ron comforting Hermione in a corridor. "Weasley! Take me to your parents, now!!!"

Ron glares. "What? No-"

Hermione pales. "Draco... Where is she?!"  Draco gives her a sad look and Hermione lunges at him. "No! You promised you'd protect her!!" She hits him repeatedly, Ron pulling her back despite his confusion.

"I tried." Draco cries. "I tried!!!"

Hermione glares and runs off, headed for one of the fireplaces. "Grab a handful." She snaps to the boys.

"He isn't coming-" Ron tries to say.

Hermione glares. "He is! Now Ronald!"

Draco grabs a handful of powder and watches Hermione go. Ron glares and takes his turn before Draco goes, coping what they said. He lands in the tiniest kitchen he's ever seen - is this really where they live?

"What on earth!" Molly gasps.

"Lydia, she's in trouble." Hermione cries.

"What's he doing here!" Arthur demands as he pulls Molly back.

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