12. Year Of Hell

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Things are changing at Hogwarts... And not for the good. Professor Umbridge is taking things to the extreme in her bid to purify the magicing world. And Dumbledore appears to be letting her do it. Her actions have led to a revolt.

"Why do we have to listen to him anyway? He's the reason things are like dis." Seamus grumbles as he and Lydia walk, kicking the snow as they do, to the run down shack they're meeting everyone in.

"Coz he's the chosen one." Lydia rolls her eyes, both of them laughing. For the best part of this year, there hasn't been much interaction between Lydia and her old friends. And Draco seems preoccupied with helping the wrong team in this metaphorical battle - he's with Umbridge.

"Chosen one, my ass." Seamus mutters, him and Lydia sitting well at the back. It's just been them two hanging out a lot of the time, especially during classes. Lee, Dean and the twins occasionally join in, Neville too. The golden trio seem too preoccupied with other things care about her now, anyway.

Lydia just giggles, putting her feet on his lap as she leans on the wall beside her. She watches Hermione look around as she enters, their eyes meeting for a moment. Hermione smiles small to which Lydia does the same in return before looking down.

From the little speech Harry and Hermione give, it sounds like Harry wants to teach them all some spells or something, that's all Lydia gathered as her and Seamus messed around at the back. He looks at her. "So what do you say? We signin up or nah?" He asks.

Lydia shrugs. "I guess we can. Give Umbridge the finger in some way, any way."

They share a fist bump and line up. Seamus signs first, handing the quil to Lydia. Hermione smiles wide. "I'm glad you came." She says.

Lydia nods small. "Me too." She signs her name.

Hermione follows Lydia to the door. "Lyds?"

Lydia looks over as Seamus steps out, holding the door as he waits. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to go to Honey Dukes or something?" Hermione asks.

Lydia hesitates and looks over at Seamus. "Don't you dare prank the twins without me." She warns.

He smirks. "No promises." He winks, running off.

Hermione laughs small as Lydia groans, both girls heading into the snow. "You and Seamus have been spending a lot of time together the last couple of months." She notes.

Lydia shrugs small. "He's fun to hang around with. We're actually quite similar personality wise - well, how I used to be and how he is are quite similar."

Hermione nods. "I'm glad you guys are friends... Listen I'm sorry if I did something wrong or upset you-"

"Hey, no." Lydia stops walking, Hermione stopping and facing her. "You didn't do anything wrong, okay? I just made a new friend. And you've got stuff going on. I'm one less problem for you to worry about right now."

Hermione frowns, putting a hand on her friends shoulder. "Lydia, you are not a problem. You're my friend, and I want to be there for you. Stuff everything else going on okay? If you have a problem come to me. I don't care if its 3am and I'm asleep or if Ron has his head stuck in a toilet and I'm the only one who can get him out."

Lydia giggles small. "You say that like its happened before...."

"No comment." Hermione giggles. "Promise me you'll come to me? And we can hang out more. Please."

Lydia sighs and smiles. "Okay okay, if I must." She rolls her eyes playfully. "Sweets are on you."


"So... I may have told Draco off." Hermione admits.

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