4. Yule Ball

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Lydia stares into the store window, her eyes wide as she sees the dress. Despite weeks of working, she's still a few dozen Galleons short of being able to afford the dress. The Yule Ball is tomorrow and she can't get anymore work at the Three Broomsticks, and her parents can't afford to help out as one of her brothers outgrew his school uniform.

"Lydia?" Hermione says, walking over.

Lydia shakes her head to clear it and smiles warmly, the snow crunching as she turns to see her friend. "Hey! Where's tweedledum and dee?"

Hermione laughs. "Who knows. Probably scrambling for dates still." She rolls her eyes. "Where did Misha go?"

Lydia nods to Honey Dukes. "He wants some beans, I said I'd wait here."

Hermione nods. "Viktor, too." She giggles, blushing at his name.

Lydia giggles. "Gosh, these Durmstrang boys have got us all fuzzy, huh."

Hermione laughs. "Yes... I must admit, I'm half keeping Viktor around as I know it annoys Ronald. I think it's about time I annoy him rather than him annoying me."

"Oh it's long overdue." Lydia nods in agreement. "Are you ready for the ball?"

"I am! My dress came today!" Hermione gushes. "Are you sure you can't come?" Hermione says, pouting.

Lydia smiles small. "No, I can't afford a dress. McGonagall understands and she's spoken to Dumbledore - I'm going to study." She nods. "And there may be chance for me to have a phone call with my family, so I think I'll be good."

"It is a shame..." Hermione sighs.

They hear the bell to Honeh Dukes and look over, both blushing as Viktor and Misha walk out together, their red coats striking against the white snow. Misha smiles and offers his arm to Lydia. "M'lady." He says.

Lydia giggles. "See you guys around!" She calls to Hermione and Viktor as they walk away, headed in the direction of the carriages. They're gonna go hide out in the library.

Misha helps her in, closing the carriage door. "Did you had fun?" He asks, smiling.

Lydia nods. "I did, thank you." She smiles, cheekily grabbing the every flavour beans and pinching a few. She pops one in her mouth and shrieks. "Sour!"

Misha laughs, snatching the bag back. "Serves you right!" He pats her arm. "Are you okay?"

Lydia's eye twitches as she nods. "Mhmm." She laughs, Misha laughing too. "Ugh, they really are awful sweets."

"But fun." He chuckles. He leaps out once the carriage stops at the castle, offering his hand to her.

Lydia playfully curtseys. "Thank you." She smiles.

Misha smiles, about to say something when his smile fades. He says something Lydia can't understand as Karkaroff rushes over, grumpy and angry as ever. He barks something back to Misha as he walks past. Misha sighs. "I must go... Sorry." He smiles gently, quickly rushing after his headmaster.

Lydia frowns, watching them go. "Okay..." She sighs, heading into the entry way of the great hall. She loosens her scarf and ruffles her hair out, looking over as footsteps echo down the hall. She gives a small smile to Draco; they've been avoiding one and other since the trial. Neither have spoken, they move apart if near and don't even glance at one and other anymore. Isn't that what she wanted..?

"Lydia." He says simply, walking past with his hands in his pockets.

"Draco." She says softly, watching him go. "Merry Christmas."

He stops a few feet away, his back to her. "Merry Christmas... You're wrong, you know." He says, still not looking over.

Lydia frowns. "What about?"

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