23. Recovery

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Lydia plays with Draco's hair as he lays asleep beside her, one arm tucked under his head as the other stays around her waist. This is the closest he's ever been to her... Without running in fear of being caught, or because he had business to tend to. He's been a rather good nurse to her the last few days, she has to admit, and she's thankful he's stepped up. But she hates that he blames himself. He isn't to blame for her getting hurt - not at all. The people who did it are dead or facing punishment - that's enough for her. Though she's got a lot to deal with, she knows she'll always have him there when she wakes from a nightmare or struggles to do things from the memories. He'll protect her.

Draco stirs and slowly looks over, smiling tiredly. "Hello." He says as he stretches.

Lydia smiles and blushes at getting caught. "Hi. Sleep good?"

He nods as he watches her. "Better than the first few nights. Do we really have to stay in a tent in the Weasley's yard? I agreed to one night." He huffs.

Lydia giggles. "Yes. Molly wants to make sure I'm okay. And I don't want my parents to worry. What, would you rather we go to your parents Manor?" She raises an eyebrow.

Draco pulls a face of disgust. "I suppose this'll do. At least its a magic tent and not a Muggle one." He shudders at the thought.

"Hey! I have many happy memories of camping in a small, normal tent." She shoves him playfully as she sits up.

"Oh darling, there'll be no more of that." He says, sitting up too. He yawns big and sighs. "Suppose I better go fight someone for the bathroom." He grumbles, slipping a t-shirt on as he stands.

Lydia smiles. "Grab coffee on your way back?" She pouts.

He rolls his eyes and heads out of the tent, walking across the damp morning grass towards the burrow. Lydia smiles to herself and carefully gets up, her body aching less and less every day. She grabs her bag and finds some leggings and an olive green jumper, putting them on before she sits down on the bed, sighing. She's still not at full capacity, finding the simplest tasks exhausting.

"Knock knock?"

Lydia smiles and peaks around the curtain. "Aunt Molly! Good morning."

Molly sets the tray of food and coffee on the table. "Breakfast. And there'd be a lot more food if you just came and stayed in the house. Your uncles having a fit knowing you're out here." She scolds out of kindness.

Lydia smiles and slips onto a chair at the table. "I think it's best for everyone if we stay put here. Thank you, by the way, for the tent. And for letting us pitch up here."

"Nonsense. I can keep an eye on you here." Molly smiles. "And anyway, how do you feel today? No more dizzy spells?"

Lydia blushes. "No, not anymore." She lies. "And Draco has been very patient. Wow, not the words I'd put together to describe Malfoy."

Molly laughs and they both look over as the tent door opens. "My ears are burning." Draco says, shuffling in.

Molly smiles. "All bad things, I promise. Eat up, plenty more in the house if you want any. We're all headed to the castle to help clear up if you'd like to join."

"I think Ly-"

"We'll be there." Lydia interrupts Draco.

Molly smiles wide and heads inside, Draco scowling once she's gone. "Lydia, you should be resting."

"Come on, I've been resting for 4 days. We should be there, help everyone out. They're my family. I promise to take it easy - I don't need remind I almost died 4 days ago, I definitely feel like it." She says, pouting. "Pleeeeaaaase."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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