19. One Last Happy Moment

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"Let's all be thankful for our health and having our Lydia back!" Molly says, raising her glass as they squeeze around the dinner table on Christmas eve.

Lydia blushes and raises hers, clinking it against those near her. "To our health." She nods.

They dig in to the pies Molly made and make conversation. It feels so good to see everyone again, especially Molly and Arthur. They bought her right home that day at the hospital; though she wanted to stay so she'd be able to see Draco before break, she couldn't resist more time with her aunt and uncle since it had been so long since she saw them.

She had a week with them before everyone else came home for Christmas. They're all here but Percy, since he's in a rather big dispute with the family right now over their views. Lydia doesn't comment on his absence knowing Molly is probably already upset.

Once they're all full and cleared up, Molly suggests a walk. "You take it easy, missy." She points at Lydia.

She blushes. "Yes auntie Molly." She salutes playfully.

They head out in their jumpers and jackets, walking into the forest together. Harry and Ginny walk ahead, the twins mess about behind. Ron walks beside Lydia, both quiet. She glances over.

"So... How's Lavender?" She asks.

He pulls a face that makes Lydia laugh. "She's... Yeah." He concludes.

"Mm... Well, if you're unhappy there then I know someone who'd love to receive your loving." She shrugs.

"Weird way to put it but go on." Ron laughs.

Lydia smiles. "Hermione."

Ron stops walking, probably stops breathing too, and states bulgy eyed at his cousin. "I-no-dont-no-"

"Oh you so do!" Lydia rolls her eyes, walking ahead. "You LOOOOVE her." She calls, smiling over her shoulder at him.

Molly looks over. "Loves who? What?"

Lydia giggles. "No one, I was just teasing Ronnie."

Molly rolls her arms and wraps an arm around Lydia. "How are you feeling, sweetie?" She asks sincerely.

She smiles. "I'm okay - promise. Harry and I are on good terms, I've caught up on the work I was allowed to bring home and I'm sleeping better. Really, I'm good."

"Jolly good." Molly smiles. "You know, no matter what happens with anyone - you're our niece. You're family."

Lydia squeezes Molly gently. "I know. Thank you."

"Come on you two, we don't have all day!" Arthur calls from up ahead.

Lydia and Molly laugh, catching up to the others. They spend a while walking around, exploring, spending time together. When they make it home, Lydia writes to her family and sits in her room having a moment to herself. Pig is taking the letter for her since Burn hasn't come back yet. It worries her, he's normally only gone a day at most.

Still, Draco is probably busy. And she doesn't want to become that needy girlfriend. She just... Worries. He's risking so much by being with her; of course, she's risking a lot too but it doesn't bother her. She sighs and sits back on her bed which has been squashed into Ginny's room, looking out of the window she's beside.

"Lydia!" George yells, bursting into the room.

She jumps, laying a hand on her chest. "Jesus! What!?"

"Naa, not Jesus. We're too beautiful to be him." Fred says, seconds behind him.

They both decide to lay on her as she groans. "What do you want!"

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