15. Liars Beware

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Lydia slowly pulls away from her kiss with Draco, resting her head on his as he closes his eyes doing the same. "Please stop pushing me away." She whispers.

"If I do, something will happen and I can't let that happen." He whispers, his eyes still closed.

Lydia strokes his cheek as she sniffs. "Let me in... Let me show you its okay to be happy, to feel things other than hatred and-and pain." She begs in a whisper.

Draco swallows hard. "You know I can't do that-"

"He doesn't care about anything but himself." Harry snaps.

Lydia and Draco pull apart, both of their hearts leaping in shock. They stare at Harry stood at the end of the empty hallway with tear stained cheeks and an angry expression. "Harry, I-"

"I trusted you. And you lied to me!" He snaps. He glares at Lydia. "You are a disgusting piece of crap! And you!" He snaps, turning to Draco. "You're a manipulative asshole!"

"Hey!" Draco glares. "Say what you want about me but you have no right to be so rude to Lydia! She's your friend."

"Friend? Friends don't share the enemies bed and lie about it!" Harry yells.

"We didn't--ugh!" Lydia yells. "Harry, please let me explain-"

"No. You're disgusting. So disgusting. You're a lair. And you're going to stay away from Hermione and Ron - I don't care who your uncle is. You leave my family alone, they're too good for someone like you." Harry growls, hatred burning in his eyes. "Or I'll make you pay. You worthless mudblood." He storms away.

Lydia feels tears burn in her eyes as her breath gets caught in her throat. She looks at Draco who seems to be in shock at Harry's words, too, before she takes off running again. "Lydia!" Draco yells, taking off after her.

At the first floo network she finds, Lydia grabs a handful of powder and throws it down. "323 Barrow Cottage!" She manages to say, throwing it down. A moment later she tumbles to the floor of her parents kitchen, sooty and messy.

She hears footsteps running down the stairs before her mother gasps. "Lydia!?!"

Sam kneels by her daughter and holds her close, shocked to see her in such a state. Shouldn't she be at school? She isn't due home for a week or two yet, why is she here? "Shh sweetie, I'm here."

Lydia clings to her mum. "I messed up! I messed up so bad!" She cries.

"Oh baby..." Sam sighs. She knows telling her everything is fine isn't going to help, so she just let's the teen cry. When the cries quieten down she pulls away, stroking Lydia's hair back. "Go clean up, I'll bring some coffee and cake up, okay?"

Lydia nods small and rubs her eyes, slowly pushing herself up. She quietly heads upstairs and goes into the bathroom, showering slowly and then climbing into bed in her pyjamas. Sam comes in with a tray, sitting beside her daughter.

"Now, tell Mumsy what's up." She says, holding her coffee close.

Lydia giggles small. "I'm 15, I'm too old for that word."

"Mumsy? Never!" Sam smiles. "Cmon, what's happened?"

Lydia takes a deep breath. She let's it all out, dialling things down a little to not freak her mum out too much; she also leaves out the part about the Weasleys being family. "Harry hates me mum. I'm sort of sort of not dating his worst enemy."

"So that Draco has a reputation? He seemed so nice..." Sam frowns.

"He is! I swear. He's just... Damaged. And so is Harry. They clash so hard and I understand why Harry feels betrayed and his uncle just passed and-and he caught us off guard but he didn't even let me explain. Now I can't see my friends. And I don't even know where I stand with Draco anymore." She tears again. "And I feel so bad for Seamus! I like him so much but Draco has my head in a muddle."

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