5. Boxing Day

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Draco places his jacket around her and holds her close, her cries now silent but the tears still falling. He rubs her arms gently to try and warm her. If any of his friends saw him, he'd be ripped to shreds, teased and mocked for showing compassion. But he doesn't care. "What happened?" He asks now she's calmer.

Lydia sniffles gently and hiccups. "He-he was using me... I heard him and Karkaroff. The-they just wanted information on Harry." She sighs, adding a cold laugh. "How pathetic for me to think I mattered."

"Don't be ridiculous. He stant get away with this." Draco says forcefully. "I shall talk to my fa-"

Lydia shakes her head as she sits up, wiping her sore eyes. "No, you will not talk to anyone."

He scowls. "He won't get away with it-"

"Yes he will." Lydia shakes her head. "I don't want a fuss, Draco. That's not going to change what's happened."

"He hurt you." Draco snaps. "That isn't fair. Or acceptable."

"People get hurt everyday." Lydia shrugs, looking at the water.

Draco grabs her chin and turns her face towards him, frowning deeply. He looks into her eyes for a moment, neither noticing the other leaning in. Their lips are inches apart when someone comes in. "Lydia-" Hermione stops in her tracks.

Lydia and Draco pull apart, looking away. Lydia wipes her cheeks and forces a smile looking at her best friend. "Hey, what's up."

"What did he do." Hermione demands, helping her friend up and throwing the jacket at Draco.

Draco rolls his eyes as he stands and puts it on. "Shove off, Granger." He snaps.

Lydia takes Hermione's hand. "Stop, it's okay. He was just helping me, I got upset and he came to make sure I got back safe."

"Really." Hermione glares at Draco. "How very out of character."

Draco rolls his eyes. "Piss of Granger." He snaps, storming away.

Hermione waits for him to go before she turns back to her friend and touches her tear stained cheek. "What did he do?"

Lydia smiles at her friend. "Nothing, it wasn't him. I'm okay, promise. Let's go to bed please? I really just want to sleep."

Hermione sighs and wraps an arm around her friend. "Jesus, Lyd, you don't even have shoes on! You'd forget your head if it wasn't screwed on!" She scolds.

Lydia smiles small. "Yeah..." She says. Deep down? Her heart shatters for the kiss she never got to have with Draco Malfoy.


"You probably caught a chill last night." Hermione says as she fusses over Lydia at breakfast the next morning.

Lydia rubs her sore head and cuddles into the blanket she bought down with her. "Sorry mum." She rolls her eyes.

Ron and Harry snigger. "Good to know it isn't just us she mothers." Harry mutters to Ron.

"Bloody crazy woman." Ron adds.

Hermione rolls her eyes. "Well I'm sorry I care." She snaps.

Lydia smiles and leans her head on Harry, yawning. "You guys are cute."

"Okay, she really must be sick." Harry laughs. "Let's get you back to the common room." He says, wrapping an arm around her.

Lydia hauls herself off the bench, her smile fading as she sees Misha walking down the hall between two tables towards her, a deep purple bruise forming on his left cheek. Hermione stands and steps in front of Lydia. "Not a chance." She says, glaring. She knows what went down. Lydia left out Viktor from the explanation, she thinks he really does like Hermione. Maybe that's why Misha was chosen instead.

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