7. The Same Challenges

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Lydia whistles as she watches Ron, Harry and a few others fly around, a small game of catch going on with brooms involved. Since quidditch is cancelled and the pitch is being used for the tournament, they're making use of the spring weather in the rest of the grounds. "Neville... Neville look - oh shoot. Are you good!?" She calls as he falls flat on his face from a few feet.

He shakily raises a thumb as everyone laughs. "Cmon Nev, up you get." George says as he flies over him, grabbing the back of his jumper to pull him up. Neville shakes his head clear and grabs his broom.

"The boy is hopeless at flying." Ginny mutters.

Hermione giggles. "Yes he is but he tries."

"Bless him." Lydia adds. She rubs her legs a little as the March air sends a slight chill through her; she looks around and reaches for a jacket.

"Uhp!" Fred yells, whizzing over and swiping the jacket. He hovers a few feet away, jacket gripped in one hand while the other steadies his broom. "Mine."

Lydia groans. "Freddie, cmon, you're not even using it!"

"Ask." He grins.

"May I use your jacket?" She says sweetly, reaching for it.

He moves back a little. "Uh uh, try again."

Lydia sighs and crosses her arms. "Oh sweet Fred Weasley, please may I have the honour of wearing thy jacket? I don't know how I'll ever survive if you don't help me!" She playfully swoons, falling back on the grass.

"Oh gross. Drama queen." He mutters, dropping the jacket on her as he whizzes off to join in again.

Hermione and Ginny laugh as she puts the jacket on. "I'd have told him tk shove off." Ginny says.

"Your brothers are so easy, honestly. I mean, you can't do this, but I just flirt with them until they're uncomfortable and give in. Works wonders in Ron too, despite his lack of anything normal going on in that head of his." Lydia says smugly. "Oh someone's happy." She adds, her and Ginny watching Hermione run over to Viktor and a group of his friends.

"She's in lurveee." Ginny sings as they laugh.

Hermione comes back over, a grin on her face. "Viktor and his friends want to join the boys. Isn't that wonderful?" She sighs, sitting back between her friends.

"Blughhh!" Ginny and Lydia pretend to as Hermione blushes and sulks a little.

Lydia looks over as the boys and some of the Durmstrang lot begin to play a small game of Quidditch. It is pretty cool that one of the best seekers in the world playing with them, but of course she's rooting for her boys. Her eyes fall on Misha as he quietly sits a few feet from her, a sheepish smile on his face. Lydia's heart skips a beat and she moves away a little.

Misha looks away, suppressing a sigh. "It is good seeing you." He says, glancing over.

Lydia looks at her lap, pulling her knees to her chest a moment later. "Sure." She looks away, trying to focus on the game.

Misha moves closer, sat right beside her. "May we talk..?"

Lydia flinches as he does, standing up. "I don't want to."


"There you are darling, I'm sorry I'm late." Draco says, wrapping an arm around Lydia. "Misha. How... Lovely to see you."

Lydia blushes at Draco's arm being around her waist - he's avoided her for the last few weeks since their kiss, but of course he'd be here now. Hes always there when she needs him. Misha's eyes narrow. "Lydya... Him? Really?" He shakes his head.

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