14. Ministry Of Death

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It feels like a lifetime since any of them smiled. Hogwarts has become a prison to all who inhabit it since Dumbledore scattered and Umbridge took over. They were found out, disbanded and punished - severely. And Draco was the head of it all. Lydia can't even look at him anymore. He really is a monster.

'Boys and girls are not permitted to be within 8 inches of each other...'

"I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna throw myself from the tower." Seamus mutters as Umbridges voice rings down the hall as they walk from one class to the next, 8 inches apart of course.

Lydia forces a smile. "Almost doesn't feel worth being here anymore." She agrees.

"Hey, cmon. We can do this." Seamus nudges her.

"Finnigan!" A voice barks, Filch noticing.

"Sorry, I tripped." He says, straightening up.

Lydia sighs to herself and sits at her desk - all separate desks now. The dementors in her second year bought more life to the castle and their only purpose is to suck the life out of things. Lessons have no meaning, there's no practical aspect to most of them. And with exams around the corner, it feels like being at a Muggle school again - joyless day to day drabble with no purpose or benefit.

The daily routine is the same; breakfast on separate sides of the table to boys, walk to class separate from boys. Sit alone, walk to the next class. Repeat for each session, repeat the breakfast situation for lunch and dinner and then everyone is too depressed to do anything so the common room is empty and everyone goes to bed.


Lydia tries to focus on her work.


She rolls her eyes looking over her shoulder at the voice. Her eyes narrow when she sees Draco. "F. You." She mouths.

He rolls his eyes and huffs as she turns back around. "Psssssssst." He hisses again.

Lydia slams her quil down. "I'm going to the bathroom." She snaps, storming out.

Draco does the same, rushing after her. "Lydia!"

Lydia spins around and glares at him down the empty hallway. "Don't. I'm so done with you, you've ruined everything. You've ruined my life!"

Draco sighs. "I had to help her, I didn't have a-"

"Of course you had a choice! You can speak, can't you? N-O, you use that word a lot!" She glares, crossing her arms. "You are so selfish. So selfish. You know I actually thought you were different than everyone says-"

"Lydia, I am. You know I am." He says as calmly as he can.

"Ha! And Seamus and I are just friends. See, we both know how to lie." She snaps.

"Seamus? Really? Mr 3ft nothing? Cmon, Lyds-"

"Don't. Leave me the heck alone, Malfoy. I can't believe I ever wasted my time with you." She snaps, storming away.

Draco watches her go, disappearing down the hallway in seconds as she walks fast with the anger. His anger bubbles once she's gone and he yells he hits the wall. "Mr Malfoy! Get back to class!" A teacher orders.

Draco takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, storming off in the opposite direction to class. Everything he's done has been for her. To make sure she's safe at these dreadful times - he knows what's coming. And he can't stop it. Or refuse. All he can do is try and protect her. And that'll have to do for now even if she hates him.


As Lydia focuses on her exam paper, she tries to ignore the giant pendulum swinging up front, in front of which stands Delores Umbridge. Lydia hasn't even attempted the paper, rather she's spent the time drawing a rather detailed and accurate hand flipping her off - and by her, of course, it'll be whoever marks it.

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