11. Umb-tch

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Draco waits in the entrance of the Grand Hall, watching as people come in. It's the first morning if school and he hasn't seen Lydia all weekend, but when he saw her on arrival day? He just wanted to take back what he'd said. But when he saw her talking to that Seamus Finnigan, though he was jealous, he felt relieved she seems to have a new friend.

He quickly grabs Hermione's arm as she enters, gasping. "Hey!" She snaps.

Draco hushes her. "Shh, I only want a moment-"

Hermione crosses her arms, glaring. "30 seconds."

He rolls his eyes. "How's Lydia? I mean, is she doing okay?"

Hermione frowns. "I mean, I haven't had chance to catch her yet but.... What did you do." Hermione demands, glaring harder at him now, willing him to burst into flames or something.

Draco looks at her a little shocked. "You haven't spoken to her?"

"No, I've been... Occupied. She was with Seamus, Dean and the twins the last few days anyway, so she's been busy. Why? Do I need to be concerned?"

Draco frowns deeply; he is, because this seems a little out of character. "I dunno... Just - keep an eye on her? And tell her I really am sorry."

Hermione narrows her eyes. "Hmm. We'll pick this up when I know what you did, asshole." She snaps, walking off. She scans the table for Lydia, catching sight of her in the corner with the twins and Seamus. She heads over. "Hey guys. Lyds-"

Lydia downs her juice and grabs her bags. "Gotta run, Seamus and Fred have a bet to take before class. See ya!" She says.

Hermione watches in shock as the group rush out, Lydia laughing. She slowly walks to Ron and Harry, sitting down. "Okay, that's weird." She says, shaking her head.

Ron slurps at the milk of his cereal. "What?" He says spitting some cornflakes across the table.

Hermione groans in disgust. "Lydia. Has she been... Off, in your opinion?" She asks the boys.

Harry looks up, having not been paying attention, and shurgs. "Sure...?" He says slowly.

She huffs. "Utterly useless. I'll handle this alone, shall I?" She mutters, storming out as Ron and Harry share a shrug, no clue what the matter is.

Meanwhile, Lydia and George roll around the grass, crying with laughter. Seamus smokes a little as he stands stunned, Fred clearing his throat as he smirks. "5 galleons, kind sir."

"How did you--how - when-" Seamus stutters, still frozen.

Lydia composes herself, slowly standing as her and George lean on each other. "Jesus, okay, I needed that. Oh god, I need to pee, that was the most I've ever laughed." She giggles, a slight pant to it as she catches her breath still. She wipes the tears off her cheeks as George does the same to his.

Seamus shakes his head and puts his wand away, wincing as he moves. "God, remind me to never bet against a Weasley spell."

Lydia giggles, handing him his bag. "Yes, well, I did tell you it was stupid, sweet pea."

He rolls his eyes, waving bye to the twins as he and Lydia head to their first class, History of Magic. "At least this is a lesson you can't blow anything up." Lydia says as they sit together at a table at the back.

"I've never-"

"First year, Flitwicks class." Neville says, leaning back in his chair.

Seamus flushes red. "Once-"

"Transfigurations, with the rum. Potions in 2nd year." Lydia says, listing things on her fingers.

Seamus rolls his eyes. "Shove off, both of ye." He shakes his head.

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