16. Camp Weasley

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"Should you two be trusted to light a fire?" Lydia watches the twins skeptically.

Fred grins. "Were trained professionals, Lyds, didn't you see our finale last term?" He waves his wand over the wooden logs.

Hermione comes out of the tent and sits beside Lydia, leaning her head against her. "Where's Burn? Shouldn't he have the letters by now?"

Lydia holds her hand out and catches the bundle of letters with a smirk. "Thanks buddy!" She calls, Burn shrieking as he perches on a tree nearby.

Hermione takes them and sorts them, leaving the ones from Draco out. "These can be read later. Let's do these while the boys are distracted." Hermione says, handing Lydia the first letter.

Lydia sighs and turns it over, admiring the green wax seal with an M stamped into it. She peels it open and pulls the parchment out. She silently reads to herself.

I pray you're okay. Give me a sign that you are, please. I understand you're hurting about all of this and I wish I could take that away.
You said you want to fix me but that scares me. How can you fix me when I can't fix myself? How to give in to that fear and let you?
I wish I could let myself feel happiness and let go of the anger and the fear but if I do that, I risk being hurt. I risk you bring hurt... And that terrifies me the most. My family are not good people, not in any way, but they're my family. And I have to do things to make sure they are safe. And thst I'm safe. And in most cases that you are safe. Like I've told you a thousand times - you're what's most important to me.
I want us to have a chance... So please, take the risk with me. Forget Potter. Forget Seamus. Sure, we'll have to sneak around, but isn't that what we've always done? It's our thing.
Lydia Bailey, I like you. A lot.
So... Please.
Answer me.

"Awh...." Hermione whispers as she quietly reads over Lydia's shoulder.

Lydia clears her throat and wipes her cheek, throwing the letter onto the fire. "I can't."

Hermione groans. "Lydia!!!"

Lydia throws all of them at the fire, but George grabs them. "Woah there."

"Give them-"

"Ha!" Hermione yells as she grabs them. "Read them! Now!"

"I don't want to!"

"I don't care!"

"Should we intervene?" Ron whispers.

"No, they have claws - better just to watch." Fred whispers.

Hermione puts the letters behind her as Lydia lunges for them. "They're mine, I'll do as I wish!"

"You'll do what you're told! Coz it's what's right!" Hermione says, running around the fire.

Lydia growls and runs after her, grabbing her wand. "Expelliarmus!"

Hermione dodges the spell and fires one back. "Locomotor Mortis!" She yells.

Lydia shrieks as she falls down, her legs locking up for a moment. "Hermione!" She snaps.

Hermione giggles and opens a letter as she runs. "Lydia, I hope my last letter got to you safely. Incase it didn't, let me explain again. My heart is yours and- OW!"

Lydia laughs as she hits Hermione with a trip jinx, grabbing the letters. George runs over. "Let me hear the rest!!!" He yells, lunging for them.

Lydia fires the same jinx at him, laughing as he falls. She pauses briefly to catch her breath, surprised to see her parents stood watching. "Umm..."

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