8. Loss

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The little arrangement that Lydia and Draco have seems to be working... For the most part. The notes are becoming fun - they're always trying to find new ways to sneak them to one another. And every change they can, they'll meet up somewhere private. Or go on a walk where they happen to bump into each other. No ones clicked yet, no ones noticed - and it's nice.

"Okay, what else?" Hermione asks, looking around the group. "Lydia, pay attention! Our friend is about to face his final trial!"

Lydia rolls her eyes, looking to Harry and Ron who are both asleep on the couch, Ron laid on top of Harry who has his face buried in the couch. "Oh come on, tweedledum and dee fall asleep but you don't tell them off!?" Lydia huffs. She stands grabbing her jacket. "I need some air."

Hermione growls, annoyed, as Lydia leaves once again. She's been doing that a lot lately and, being her smart observant self, she has a feeling she knows where Lydia is going. She throws her pad onto the sofa and storms off, Harry and Ron jumping awake as she does.

Lydia zips her jacket up and breathes in the fresh, rainy air as she heads out. It is summer, sure, but Scotland doesn't exactly get warm - and the rain? That shiz is cold. She walks down the steps towards the boathouse, intending on some peace and quiet for a while; she sits on the edge of one of the docks and looks at the sky, breathing slowly as she let's the rain fall on her face.

"Ms Bailey." A gruff voice says.

Lydia jumps and looks up, Professor Moody stood in the corner of the boathouse. "Yes professor?" She says, standing to face him. For some reason she gets an uneasy feeling at the sight of him stood there. Of course she's had lessons with him but it isn't like she has to pay attention, she just keeps her head down. Now she's fully looking at him? Something doesn't feel right.

He limps forward a bit, his eye on her. "Shouldn't be wanderin round alone." He says.

She nods small. "No sir, I just needed a break from studying. I'll um head back."

"You be careful now, Ms Bailey. Wouldn't want to take a nasty fall now." He says.

Lydia forces a smile and quickly walks, almost runs, back to the steps. She takes them two at a time, breathing heavy as she reaches the top, but she doesn't stop and heads across the castle, out the back. She's soaked through by the time she comes to the forest, taking shelter in some of the trees as she tries to calm down. Why does she feel so uneasy?

A twig snaps nearby and Lydia screams, pulling her wand out. Hagrid holds his hands up, Fang barking. "Ehy ther'!" He says, chuckling. "Sorry fer startlin ye, Lydia. What ye doin out ere?"

Lydia swallows hard, her hands shaking. "I...."

Hagrid frowns and steps closer, resting a big hand on her shoulder. "Lydia? Let's ge ye inside now, cmon." He says, Lydia shakily nodding and following him into his big hut. Hagrid points to the castle, ordering Fang to find McGonagall or Dumbledore. He gently lays a blanket around Lydia's shoulders as she stares at the floor. "Ye want a cuppa?" He asks.

Lydia nods small, clenching her shaking hands tightly. "P-please..."

Just as Hagrid finishes making some tea, Professor McGonagall enters the hut, setting her umbrella down. "What is going on here?" She asks, eyeing Lydia.

Hagrid stands to make room. "I jus found er like tha, Professer." He says, leaning over. "Looks bloody terrified." He says.

McGonagall frowns and sits down opposite Lydia, setting a hand on her knee. "Miss Bailey? Is everything okay, dearie?"

Lydia looks up at the professor, taking a shaky breath. "I think... I think something happened to me. But-But I can't be sure. And-and I don't want to falsely accuse someone if it isn't true." She whispers.

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