18. Good To Bad To What?

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"Very subtle, Lydia, very subtle." Hermione mutters as they head down to the quidditch arena, the cold October air making them both shrug into their jackets more.

Lydia smirks. "What? Can't I wear green without it having an alterior motive? I'm here to support Ron in his match as always... Go Gryffindor, death to Slytherin." She says, smiling sweetly.

Hermione rolls her eyes but smiles, glad Lydia is some form of herself. It's been hard the last few weeks since Harry and her won't even be in the same room. Hermione tries to delegate her time but again, that's not easy. In a way, she's glad Lydia has Draco to sneak off and see.

They find a spot and settle down, watching the players warm up as others begin to arrive. "You're a dark fox Lydia. A double agent." Hermione whispers. "Do you really think this'll help win Harry back on your side?"

Lydia rolls her eyes. "I don't give two owls hoots to Harry Potter and his approval. I'm done trying to please him, it's never going to happen and why should I anyway? He's made it clear what he thinks." She shrugs, watching Seamus shuffle through people. "Hey hottie!" She grins, thankful for the distraction.

He smiles wide and sits. "Hey! How cool is it Dean's playing in for Katie? Hope she feels better but man he's a good flier!"

Lydia smiles small at the mention of Katie Bell; she's aware what happened... It tore Draco apart to do it to her but what had to be done was done. He's a lot more open with her about what he has to do and though she doesn't agree, there's nothing she can do but support him. He's trying to protect people. And she knows, in a way, he's doing it to protect her family and friends as well as his. She knows it.

"Bit nervous though." He says, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Slytherin are brutal - Draco doesn't mess around." He shakes his head.

"I'm sure Draco will play fair." Hermione says, grinning.

Lydia slaps her thigh and smiles at Seamus simultaneously. "I'm sure things will be fine. Ron's getting better as Keeper, we just need to have faith."

The teams prepare, Draco glancing over to see if Lydia is there. He grows the slightest bit jealous as he sees her laughing with Finnigan - not jealous of him as such, but jealous he can sit so causally with HIS girlfriend and he can't. He takes a deep breath and turns to focus on the game.

Lydia watches, noticing his tense jaw. She smirks a little and nudges Hermione. "He's jealous." She whispers.

Hermione giggles. "Play on it..." She shrugs.

Lydia thinks for a moment before she grabs the other half of Seamus' banner, waving it around with him. "Let's go Gryffindor, let's go!" They cheer, watching the players fly around.

"COME ON, BATTER EM! Get rid of the dirty bastads!" Seamus yells, whistling.

Hermione sits behind them giggling, watching the duo make fools of themselves, also giggling that Seamus has no clue he's roped into Lydia's little jealousy game. No one does, apart from her. Maybe no one ever will know about Draco and Lydia apart from her and Harry.

By the end of the match, which lasts a few hours, there is only a few points in it, but thankfully Gryffindor win. Everyone rushes off to congratulate Ron on his first game while Lydia bides her time  by walking slow and stopping occasionally. Seamus gets bored and heads inside to join the celebrations leaving Lydia alone.

"Are you making me jealous on purpose!?" Draco snaps from behind her.

Lydia smirks and stops walking, slowly turning to face him. "Would I do that?" She says innocently.

"Yes." He says, taking long strides to stand right in front of her. He grabs her waist. "I'm not playing games with you, Lydia. I don't like it." He says sternly.

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