This Beautiful, Perfect Moment

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The coronation, like any good event, is followed by a party. There’s eating and speeches and most people drink far too much. This will probably turn out to be the best celebration Gondor has had in centuries, they finally have their king again. The white tree is in bloom and the nation has hope, a future.

I stay for the food and speeches, and I even stay for a bit of careful dancing. I quite enjoy the dancing, as long as the song is slow, because it means I have someone else to stop me falling over for a while. I only dance a few times, once with Legolas, once with Gimli, once with Gandalf and once with dad. At one point Merry and Pippin even drag me onto the floor to mess around. It’s all fairly enjoyable and harmless, but when things start to move away from civilised dancing and more towards the drinking I slip away, emotionally exhausted and desperate to get away from prying eyes. The party is being held in the great hall but by now I know my way round here well enough to get pretty much wherever I want to go, and right now I need some air. I’ll be noticed if I try to leave the building entirely since there are guards posted outside, so instead I slip away down the corridor, round a couple of corners, through an arch and up some stairs, padding out onto the balcony where I first met Faramir. The night air cools my skin and the whole place is lit up by the slight gold glow cast by hundreds of lanterns lighting up the city below as everyone celebrates. I think I’ve got away unnoticed until I hear a very familiar voice behind me.

“Hey, are you alright?” Legolas asks quietly, walking up beside me. I start at the unexpected sound but soon relax when I realise who it is.

“Yeah, I just needed some air and some peace and quiet”

Legolas nods and the two of us lean on the stone railings. The music from the party downstairs floats up to us, a fairly gentle yet upbeat song. Legolas looks to me.

“I know it’s just us up here, but would you care for this dance my lady?” he asks, offering me his hand and bowing.

“My lord, I would be delighted” I reply, taking his hand and curtseying.

Legolas leads me out into the centre of the balcony, onto our own private dancefloor. We dance together, clumsily and carelessly, because away from all those eyes we can let go and be ourselves. We spin around the balcony, laughing and grinning, caught up in the moment. We have to go slowly because I’m not quite up to full pace yet, but it’s still fun. It’s one of those spontaneous moments which I have come to treasure so much.

As we dance it’s like we’re in slow motion and suddenly I can see everything so clearly, every detail of our on-the-spot, made up dance. We don’t have to look good because no one’s watching, and in the past whenever I get to be myself I am the clumsiest, least graceful person you could ever meet. But as my partner guides me across the perfectly smooth stone floor I find I’m not having to work to keep up or even to stay upright. My feet somehow seem to glide, graceful and elegant. My body moves so easily that it’s like I was born to be like this, not to stumble and blunder my way through life but to take on situations with style and with ease. It’s goofy and unplanned and yet somehow it’s different to anything I’ve done before. It’s… well, it’s… elf-like. It’s graceful and beautiful without trying. Somehow, Legolas has managed to make me a true elf for the first time in my life, just by taking my hands.

Eventually the song finishes and we slow down until we are stood still, staring at each other. “How did you do that?” I ask, a little dumbstruck.

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