Preview: Remember How I Love You

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Hi Guys!!!!

In my last update, the very last chapter of Through Fire and Water, I said that I had the first part of the sequel ready and asked if anyone would like a preview for it. A few of you commented saying that you would and so here is the first little bit for you, along with a little description.

The sequel will be titled 'Remember How I Love You' and is set quite a few years after 'Through Fire And Water'. It focusses a little less on the story and more on the characters, revolving around flashbacks and memories. The 3 main characters will be Ana, Legolas and Aragorn since a while back I asked if you guys would prefer a version with or without Aragorn and pretty much everyone said Aragorn.

Most of the details are still a little foggy in my head, although the main plot is pretty well formed. I'm just waiting for the golden moment when lighting goes off in my brain and I suddenly know everything that's gonna happen. So any real updates are still a little while off at least, not sure how long. But since I have the very beginning ready I thought I'd post it for you. I feel kind of mean because of the way this is written and, well, the whole scene really.



“You always have to have your own way don’t you! Never mind what I want! Never mind what anyone wants! As long as you’re happy that’s what matters” I scream at Legolas.

“Oh come on, now you’re not making any sense at all. You’re just yelling for the sake of making noise” he throws back at me.

“I do not yell for the sake of it” I snap “I’m not a child”

“Really? Well you could have fooled me”

“I’m sorry? What did you just say?”

“I said you’re a child Ariana. A stupid little child”

“That’s rich, coming from you”

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Legolas asks, taking a step towards me.

“It means that deep down you’re still a spoilt little prince who wants everything done for him. I haven’t seen you lift a finger in months”

“Don’t lie, you know I do my bit”

“Only when you want to! When was the last time you did something you didn’t want to?”

“All the time, and you know it”

I do know it, he’s right, but right now I’m far too angry to admit it. The sound of crying stops both of our yelling for a moment, it’s coming from the other side of our bedroom door, the living area.

“Look what you’ve done now!” I yell at Legolas.

“Me? You’re the one yelling loudest”

“Do you know how petty you sound?”

“Do you? I thought you were going to grow up and stop being a child, Ana! Do you remember saying you’d do that?”

“Well it’s a little difficult to grow up when the adult you spend most of your time with turns out to be a spoilt little brat himself! I didn’t exactly have the best role model!””

“Shut up Ana! Just shut up! The more you talk the worse you make it for yourself”

I’ve had enough now “I don’t have to take this” I say and I storm out of the room into our living area. Curled up on the sofa is Nemir, who is visiting us, and in her arms are 2 children: a 6 year old girl with long blonde hair just like her father’s and a chubby 2 year old boy with a mop of brown hair. They both have piercing blue eyes just like both of their parents. The boy is crying.

“Mummy what’s going on? Why are you and daddy yelling?” the girl asks as I storm out of the bedroom.

“It’s alright sweetheart” I say as I head for our front door.

“Ana!” Legolas calls but I ignore him.

“Ana, where are you going?” Nemir calls as I open the door.

“For a walk!” I call back and slam the door behind me. A moment later I hear footsteps running after me.

“Ana!” Legolas calls.

“Leave me alone Legolas!”

“Ana, don’t just walk away from me!” he yells.

“Why? Because you’re the prince?”

“Because I’m your husband!”

“Oh shut up elf boy” I say and keep walking.

“Where are you even going?”

“Away from you!”

Our shouts echo off the walls and bounce back at us as I make my way towards the gates that lead to the forest. To get there, however, leads me past the raised platform where the king’s throne is and, unfortunately, Thranduil is there.

“What’s going on?” he calls as I pass by, Legolas calling after me.

“Nothing!” Legolas and I both call in unison. The king looks unsure but has the sense to leave us. The gates are open and I walk straight through them without hesitation. It briefly occurs to me that I am completely unprepared for a trip to the woods but to go back now would be to back down which I am not prepared to do.

“You’re a coward” Legolas says, his voice isn’t loud but I still hear it well enough.

“I’m a what?” I ask, spinning round and glaring at him, eyes practically flaming with malice.

“You heard me” Legolas snaps “You’re a coward. You’re running away from a fight rather than defending yourself”

“I’d rather be called a coward than have to stay here with you” I snap back before turning and heading off again.

“Fine, run off if you want. Just don’t expect a warm welcome when you return”

“I might just stay out for ages. We’ll see how much you care when I’ve been gone for a few days” I call back

“Don’t get your hopes up” he throws back at me. I just keep walking.


Remember How I Love You is now up! Yay! Here's the link if you want to read it:

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