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The night slips away in a haze of blades and blood and fighting. We’re fought back up the city until everyone has been moved to the top levels. I’m beginning to think that I was wrong, we can’t win this fight. For some reason Théoden has abandoned us. Or maybe he just hasn’t arrived in time. Either way we’re doomed, it’s too late now.

As dawn is breaking, just as I’ve convinced myself we are definitely alone in this fight, a horn sounds outside the city walls. I run to the edge of the wall along with most of the men and we stare out, searching for the source of the sound as an army on horseback crests a hill and comes into view, the sun rising behind them. Even from this distance, I know it’s Théoden.

“It’s Rohan!” I cry and the call is taken up all over the city that Rohan has come to save us. As one the distant army let out a cry of triumph, the horns sound again and then they’re charging, thundering into the enemy, there is no need for weapons as the horses trample all in their path. The arrival of Rohan gives the men new strength, we’re not alone in this fight.

Before long it looks like Rohan has saved us, we’re going to be ok now, but just as we’re getting ready for the final fighting, a horn sounds from far away and out of the dusty haze kicked up by the fighting enemy reinforcements arrive, and these are reinforcements to the extreme. Not just more orcs, not even trolls, a huge line of mumakil, enormous beasts with huge trunks and monstrous tusks.

“Who will save us now?” I say to myself as I stare at the approaching enemy. Below us Théoden is desperately reforming his line and leading a fresh charge.

Outside the city a battle is raging, but inside its walls we are just waiting. I sit with Gandalf and Pippin, we are filthy and tired and nearby the doors to this final level of the city are slowly splintering away as a group of orks and trolls beat away at them. Fear is gone now, replaced by a sad desperation to be saved. But who will come? There is no one else.

“I didn't think it would end this way” Pippin says quietly and I know exactly what he means.

“End? No, the journey doesn't end here” Gandalf says gently and we look at him, questioning. “Death is just another path, one that we all must take” Gandalf continues, falling into a sort of trance “The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back and all turns to silver glass . . . and then you see it . . .” he trails off, his eyes show that he is somewhere else, somewhere more beautiful, not here with us.

“What, Gandalf? See what?” Pippin prompts him.

“White shores, and beyond . . . A far green country under a swift sunrise” The image seems to bring a sort of peace to our small group, comforting us that there’s something more for us if this day ends badly.

 “Well, that isn't so bad” Pippin says quietly. Gandalf smiles.

“No. No, it isn't”

The doors shudder under another blow from the other side and every pair of eyes is riveted on them, judging how long we have before they give way.

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