A Reunion

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It's a beautiful day in Rivendell. The sun beats upon my exposed neck as I read on the balcony of my home here. I'm dressed in a simple, pale blue dress made of light material and my dark brown hair flows over my left shoulder in very pleasing waves.

“Ariana, someone is here to see you” Nemir, my servant and best friend, calls.

“Coming!” I reply and put my book down, careful to make sure I don’t lose my page, and head back inside to find Nemir in my bedroom. “He is downstairs”

“He?” I ask, slightly puzzled but also feeling hope begin to rise in my stomach.

“Just go downstairs and you’ll see” Nemir says with a slight smile and I comply. Once downstairs I turn left into the courtyard to see a lone figure standing admiring the flowers.

“Dad!” I call, recognising the man and, forgetting all the elvish dignity Elrond and Arwen have been so desperately trying to drill into me, I run full pelt at Aragorn, throwing myself into his open arms.

“Ha-ha, it’s good to see you too” Aragorn says, untangling himself from my grip and looking at me “You seem to become more and more beautiful every time I see you. Every inch an elf”

“Thank you” I say, blushing “And you never seem to change at all”

“I’ll take that as a compliment” he says, grinning.

Ok, so maybe Aragorn isn’t my real father, but he’s the closest I have. When I was a small child he found me wandering around in some woods. My real parents had died in a warg attack, leaving me orphaned. Aragorn brought me back to Rivendell where he was living at the time and left me in the care of Lord Elrond, Aragorn’s foster father, and his daughter, Arwen, whom Aragorn loved. While I was growing up Aragorn let me live with him in his house in Rivendell and sometimes he would take me away on short journeys to visit places and have adventures. In this way he greatly influenced who I grew up to be and became like a father to me until he eventually adopted me when I was 13. Because of Aragorn’s influence I never really developed the grace and dignity of the elves and instead I became rougher at the edges, mimicking Aragorn’s more careless human actions and way of speaking. However I did develop the elvish skills with weapons and became quite a fearless warrior.


“What are you doing here?” I ask. I haven't seen him for a long time.

“I am here for the council Lord Elrond is holding”

“So it is true, the weapon of the enemy has been found?”

“It has”

“And it is here in Rivendell?”

“It is. Brought here by a group of 4 young hobbits”

“Hobbits? They do not seem like a likely people to be involved in this”

“Indeed, but they seem to be very resilient folk. I am sure they have many surprises up their sleeves”

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