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Fly-on-the-wall P.O.V. (Wasn’t sure exactly who’s P.O.V. to do so I’m doing it sort of like someone else looking in, a fly on the wall, if you know what I mean)

Outside it’s dawn although inside this room time doesn’t seem to matter anymore. The light is starting to streak in through the high window. Outside the city is starting to wake up and begin its recovery, but inside these walls everything seems frozen.

A few hours ago there was lots happening as they brought the girl in. She was fresh out of surgery and had been dressed in a simple white patient’s gown which covered the huge bandage wrapped around her side. She was unconscious at the time and has remained so ever since, deathly pale and lying perfectly still. Two people came in with her, an elf and a human trailing helplessly behind the stretcher as she was brought in and carefully arranged in the bed, wrapped in blankets. They have barely left her side ever since.

At first they both sat by her side, holding a hand each and saying nothing. Then the dark haired one went through a phase of pacing, walking up and down the room until she moved slightly and he was right by her side again. Later on the blonde one went through a similar phase, walking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, until he saw the girl’s face and tears sprang to his eyes, so he sat down again.

There have been plenty of visitors coming in and out, mostly to talk to the dark haired one. It seems there are countless administrative details that need his attention, but he just makes fleeting decisions or comments or redirects the visitor to someone else who he says is qualified to deal with it. There have been a few actual visitors though, a dwarf, some hobbits, a wizard, and a couple of men and women. They all stayed a little while, some pulling up chairs and joining her two constant guardians for a time, but they all eventually left.

With the first streaks of daylight comes a new mood in the chamber. Up until now there has been hardly any talking, like everyone was too wrapped up in their own thoughts and secret prayers to engage in conversation, and so the room has taken a sort of sacred hush. But now that a new day is breaking the hush is on its way out and the two men are finding it in themselves to talk to each other.

The dark haired one, Aragorn, lifts his head from the doze he was in and looks at the girl, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and runs his finger down her cheek.

“She’s so beautiful, even now” the blonde elf, Legolas, whispers.

“She’s always been beautiful, ever since the day I met her” Aragorn replies.

“Tell me about it” Legolas says, his eyes fixed on the girl’s face.

“About what?”

“The day you met her. I mean, I know her parents died and you found her wandering, but she’s never really said anything more about it”

“That’s because she doesn’t really remember. She was only a small child, she blocked the memories out. I was 27 at the time and I was spending most of my time in Rivendell, under the watchful eye of Elrond. One day it was all a bit too much so I packed a bag and slipped away. I didn’t know where I was going, I just knew I needed to get away for a while. 2 days later I was camping in some woods when I heard screams not far off. I grabbed my sword and ran off to find out what was happening.

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