Epilogue: The Most Important Words Ever Spoken

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  • Dedicated to Every one of my fabulous readers

After the coronation, Middle-Earth was at peace for the first time in far too long. At Aragorn's gentle guidance things improved not just in Gondor but everywhere. I stayed for a while, just like I had planned to, and I watched dad become the king I always knew he could be, the king Gondor dreamed of. The hobbits eventually went home to the Shire. Our parting was happy, and yet I still cried my eyes out. They'll be happy there, although they will never be the same hobbits I met at the council so long ago, they have all changed so much. Especially Frodo, I don't think he will ever actually recover and that breaks my heart. But Sam will help him, he'll do his best to help 'Master Frodo' live his life again.

Many elves still left Middle-Earth, but many decided to stay too. The shadow of Mordor is gone and I guess they were curious to see how the place they called home for so long turned out in this new age of peace and friendship. It had always been said that the sea would call them home but so far that's not rung true. It did, for a while, at least while things looked bad, but when things took a turn for the better the called seemed to stop. Funny that, isn't it? As soon as things looked good again the elves suddenly didn't feel like leaving. Sorry, I shouldn't think badly of my own species.

Eventually it was time for me to leave Minas Tirith too, and Legolas and Gimli left with me. Legolas and Gimli had made a deal that Gimli would show Legolas the caverns under Helm's Deep and Legolas would show Gimli the forest. I thought I might as well tag along.

And that was the start of a new life. Wandering, going wherever and whenever we pleased. Gimli returned to his home in the mountains, a parting which left Legolas saddened for days, the two of them are the most unlikely friends but they are as close as brothers. But eventually Legolas cheered up, I saw to that.

The forest around me is still and quiet. The starry sky above me twinkles away and around me the trees rustle in the almost non-existent breeze. Beside me Legolas is, like me, trying to get to sleep but I can tell from his breathing, a little faster and less even than it is in sleep, that he is still awake. We are camped a couple of day's ride from Rivendell where we recently stayed while I sold off and gave away all my things I don't want or need anymore. My house I gave to my friend, Nemir, and she says we'll always be welcome.

Legolas breaks our silence by saying "Ana, are you awake?"


He sits up, fumbling briefly in his bag before turning to me and saying. "Come with me, I want to show you something"

I take his hand, confused as he helps me to my feet and starts to lead me off through the trees. "Where the hell are we going?"

"Shhhh, you'll see" He says before going silent again. A moment later we emerge into a small clearing and Legolas stops. He carefully guides me so that I am stood in the middle, staring at the trees.

"Legolas, what am I supposed to be seeing?"

"Shhhh, close your eyes" he whispers and I do so. He moves away from my side and I am left stood by myself, eyes closed. I stand, blind, while Legolas prepares whatever it is he's brought me here to see. There are some strange sounds and after about a minutes he says "Ok, open your eyes"

I do as instructed and when I do I can hardly believe my eyes. The clearing, which was just a simple gap in the trees a minute ago, is now alive with light. Starlight, to be specific. The ground of the small clearing has been scattered with tiny, pure and clear gems. So pure that they reflect the starlight back out in all directions, filling the clearing with flickering white light. It is a simple attempt at turning this previously dull clearing into a beautiful sight to behold, and it worked. But that's not the most beautiful part.

Legolas is on the ground in front of me, down on one knee and holding out a silver ring set with a delicate, deep blue stone. I freeze, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. I want to speak but I can't.

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