The Long Dark

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Moria is dark and damp and it echoes. I do not like it and I certainly do not wish to spend any extended amount of time here. There are the skeletons of dwarves everywhere and I can sense Gimli’s uneasiness about it and no wonder, these are his people lying dead around us. Suddenly Gandalf stopped at the front of the line, so suddenly that I walked right into Legolas’s back.

“Sorry” I whispered in his ear “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know” Legolas whispered back.

“I have no memory of this place” Gandalf says, sounding confused.

I sigh and slump down on a rock.                      

“You know Gandalf” I say “I don’t think your memory is quite what it used to be”

“Shut up, Ariana!” Father hisses at me and he throws me a look that he used to give me when I was small and it still makes me feel slightly sick. I hold his gaze for a moment but my will breaks long before Father’s and I drop my eyes, meekly submitting. Legolas gives me a curious look and as the rest of the fellowship find seats he perches next to me.

“It’s funny” He says “You are such a fearless and skilled warrior who could kill in an instant and yet you were just defeated by a single look”

“Are you telling me you wouldn’t react exactly the same way if your father gave you that look?”

“I’m sure I probably would” He says thoughtfully “But my father is a king and would easily have me put in the cells for disobeying him. He has done it before. Whereas what can Aragorn do?”

“Nothing I suppose. But that doesn’t stop me being terrified of that look. It’s just one of those things”

“But you could stand up to him now, you’re a grown up. He isn’t in charge anymore”

“Oh but he is. No matter how much I grow up he will always be in charge. He’s my father, that’s how it works”

Legolas gives me a curious look, as though he is slightly confused by me. “What?” I ask.

“It’s you” He replies “I can’t quite figure you out”

“What do you mean?”

“You are an elf but you are so human. There is no pattern to your characteristics. It’s like you were born a human and the elf was just a bit of an afterthought. Which is especially odd because it was the other way round, the elf was first and then came Aragorn. He isn’t even your real father”

 “Never say that” I say quietly, looking down so I don’t have to look at the confused look on his face “If you ever say that again I will make sure you never hold a bow again”

Legolas nods. He looks slightly confused. I feel tears filling my eyes so I quickly look away, biting my lip as a single tear escapes. I know what he said wouldn’t seem as bad as this to most people, it’s just that he isn’t the first to say it and those who said it before him did not say it kindly. I can feel Legolas’s eyes staring at my back as I try my best to stop the tears and keep myself from trembling.

 “Merry?” I hear Pippin whisper.

“What?” Merry asks.

“I’m hungry”

I smile slightly as Father throws an apple at Pippin.

Suddenly Gandalf calls out “Ah! It’s that way!”

“He’s remembered!” Merry says.

“No, but the air doesn’t smell so foul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose” Gandalf says as he moves to one of the three tunnels that lead from the chamber.

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