Trying and Failing to Heal

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Legolas’ P.O.V.

Aragorn is gone and now I’m losing his daughter too. Everyone is busy preparing for a battle but she just sits and stares. She won’t eat and she won’t sleep. I haven’t heard her voice since we got here. The light is gone from her eyes and she sits in the corner, a hunched figure with no hope left. I am on my way back to her now after taking a brief rest. I have to bring her back to me, I just have to.

I find her exactly where I left her, huddled on her chair and staring into nothingness.

“I’m back” I say to her although I don’t expect a response. “I brought you some bread and some water, wasn’t sure if you would maybe want to try and eat something”

I walk over, kneeling in front of her and putting my hands on her knees. “Come on Ana, please say something. I hate seeing you like this. I know it must hurt so much, knowing that he’s not coming back, but there is no point going on like this. There are other people in this world who care about you. I care about you” she gives no response so I sigh “Please Ana. Please, just come back to me” I beg, resting my forehead on her knees as I can’t look at her anymore. I don’t know what to do to bring her back but I do have one tiny idea. I take her beautiful face in my hands and gently kiss her on the lips but she doesn’t kiss me back. I take her hands in mine but they are cold and I am terrified that she has given up on life completely and is just going to fade away from me.

“This should never have happened” I whisper “You are too young and too beautiful and too good a person for this to happen. I wish there was something I could do”

Her eyes flicker slightly and they focus on me. “Can you bring him back?” she whispers and my heart leaps at the sound of her voice but then it sinks again as I realise how I have to answer her question.

“No” I say “No I can’t”

“Then there’s nothing you can do” she says and looks back at the floor.

“This isn’t the way to deal with this. You have to find a way to deal with his death and move on with your life, you can’t just sit here and fade away” I say but she is gone again and I don’t even know if she hears me.

Suddenly calls are echoing around me, people saying there is a lone horseman riding up to the gates. I move to the window and look out to see a dark figure on a dark horse. From this distance it is hard to be sure but it looks so much like Aragorn that I can’t help but hope. I turn to Ariana “I’ll be back soon, I just have to check something” I say to her and dart off. I run as fast as I can and intercept the newcomer as he climbs the steps towards the main hall. I stand in front of him and I can barely believe my eyes but they can’t be lying, it is Aragorn. He looks up just in time to stop before he walks into me.

“Le ab-dollen (You’re late.)” I say with a smile. Now that he is close I finally get a chance to look at him. He looks like he has been through quite an ordeal and I am worried now “You look terrible” I say and he smiles. I suddenly remember that I have something of his. I hold out the Evenstar and he takes it.

“Hannon le. (Thank you.)” He says and I nod.

“Before you see the king, there is someone else who needs your attention urgently” I say and his face turns from relieved to concerned.

“Ariana?” he asks and I nod.

“Since you fell she has gone into some sort of trance. She won’t eat, won’t sleep, won’t communicate” He looks really worried now but I have to tell him everything “Aragorn… We all thought you were dead. When she found out… she almost threw herself off the cliff”

“What?!” he snaps, shocked. “Take me to her” he commands and I nod, setting off back the way I came.

When we reach Ariana Aragorn’s face crumples. I stand back as he rushes to her side but I can’t stay away so I come and kneel beside him.

“Ana” he whispers, taking her hands gently and looking up into her face. “Ana, it’s me. It’s dad” he whispers and from the look on his face and the sound of his voice I can tell that his heart is breaking. Slowly, I see her eyes move as she looks at his face.

“Dad?” she whispers and my heart leaps at the sound of her voice, tiny as it may be.

“That’s right. It’s alright, I’m ok” he says and before my eyes I see the light return to her eyes.

“But… You were dead…” she says, unsure of what is real and what is not “You fell…”

“I know. I fell and I almost did die, but I didn’t. I’m alive and I’m here”

Suddenly her face crumples and she throws her arms around his neck, clinging to him as hard as she can. Her whole body shakes and she sobs into his shoulder. I look at Aragorn and tears are streaming down his face too, his eyes are closed as he holds the most precious thing in the world to him.

Ariana’s P.O.V.

I can’t believe he is here. I can’t actually believe he is alive. Tears stream down my face and my entire body shakes as I cry into his shoulder and he holds me close, stroking my hair.

“It’s alright sweetheart, everything’s ok” he says and his voice is shaking.

“It is now” I sob “Now that you’re here”

 “I’m so sorry sweetheart. I am so sorry for putting you through that. I would never deliberately do anything to hurt you”

“I know. Just please don’t ever do that again” I say.

“I won’t, I promise I won’t ever leave you like that again. Oh god, I am sorry, I am so sorry. I love you Ana, I need you to know that”

“I love you too dad, I love you so much” and after that I can’t speak because I am too busy half laughing half crying. We stay like that for I don’t know how long but eventually I feel the pressure of father’s arms around me lessen and he starts to pull away.

“I need to speak to the king” he says “Do you think you can let go long enough for me to do that?”

“Alright” I say, wiping my eyes “Just don’t expect me to leave your side”

“Deal” he says.

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