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I stand a pace behind father as he details all that he has seen to Théoden who listens grimly, taking in everything Aragorn says.

“A great host you say?” Théoden says.

“All of Isengard is emptied”

“How many?”

“Ten thousand strong, at least”

“Ten thousand?!” Théoden repeats and the atmosphere in the room changes as everyone hopes they misheard.

“It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall” father says grimly.

“Let them come!” Théoden says and walks resolutely from the hall. We follow him as he gives out orders and Helm’s Deep begins to buzz with activity.

Night is fast approaching and everyone is rushing to complete the many jobs that still need to be done. I have just brought a new bunch of swords to the smithy to be sharpened and I’m taking a minute to gather my thoughts before going off in search of something else to do when I hear father’s voice.

“Ariana!” I turn to see him walking up to me.


“There’s something I need to tell you”

“What is it?”

“I don’t want you fighting in this battle. I spoke to Théoden and you’re going into the caves with the women and children”


“You heard me”

“Are you out of your mind?! Why the hell would you do that?! We need every sword we can get in this battle. I can fight, you know that. You’re the one who trained me!”

“I know you can fight but I just don’t want you in this battle. You’ve had a hard couple of days and I’m not confident that you’re completely back to normal”

“Says you. Have you looked in a mirror lately? You look terrible and you won’t even rest”

“I’m fine” he says calmly.

“I can’t believe this!” I turn my back on him, scowling indignantly.

“They’ll need someone down there to protect them and lead them”

“They have Éowyn” I huff

“And now they have the two of you”

I am fuming but I know yelling won’t change his mind. “It’s just that this morning I thought you were dead and now you’re not. I don’t want to leave your side in battle again. I’m scared enough about losing you, having to cower in a cave and not have a clue until it’s over would be even worse”

“I know, Ana, but the decision has already been made”

“I hope you don’t come to regret this” I say icily.

“So do I”

“What the hell does that mean?!” I yell but he is already walking off. My scowl deepens and I head off to find something else to do, preferably something I can take my anger out on. I spend the next few hours helping people to bring food, water and bedding into the caves. Éowyn doesn’t look too happy about having to stay out of the battle either but we both put a brave face on it and do our best to help out.

After a couple of hours my work in the caves is done so I head off to find Legolas and Gimli for some company. My attention is caught by the sound of raised voices and a moment later father is storming passed me, his face like thunder.

“Dad? What hap-?” I begin to ask but he is already gone. I make my way through the crowd and find Legolas and Gimli. “What’s going on?” I ask “What happened? Father just walked passed me looking like he wanted to kill someone”

“Your father and I had a small disagreement” Legolas says.

“Small disagreement?”

“It was nothing. Some harsh words were said on both sides” Legolas says and I look to Gimli who just shakes his head.

“Don’t worry about it lass. Aragorn will calm down soon enough, just give him time”

“Unfortunately, time isn’t something we have much of” I say, sighing, before grabbing some equipment off a rather elderly man who seemed to be struggling and heading off again to continue helping with preparations, silently furious at the stupidity of everyone around me.

It doesn’t take long for the orcs to arrive and night to fall. The men are about ready to take their positions and I am running about, trying to find Legolas, Gimli and father to wish them good luck. Through the crowd I spot Legolas and run towards him and Gimli.

“I just wanted to say good luck” I say to them both then I lean down and hug Gimli “take care of yourself, I’d hate to see you get hurt” I say to him and kiss his cheek, making him blush.

“I’ll do my best, lass” he says. I straighten up and turn to Legolas.

“I want to thank you” I say “I know I wasn’t very responsive before dad came back but I know how hard you were trying for me and I heard all the things you said”

“It was nothing” he says modestly.

“No, it wasn’t, it was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me. Look after yourself, I expect to see you at the end of the battle in the exact same condition you’re in now”

“I’ll do my best” he replies with a smile “I promise”

“Good” I say quietly. I lean into him and, slowly and gently, kiss him. Time slows down and I don’t notice anyone else but him. The by now familiar fireworks go off in my head and I feel something stirring in my chest as I pull away and I can’t help but imagine the horrible possibilities that lie ahead for him in the battle. Gimli raises his eyebrows in surprise and I realise he still doesn’t know about me and Legolas yet.

“I’ll leave you to explain that to him” I say to Legolas before hugging him tightly and walking off. I haven’t got far when I bump into father, staring at Legolas and Gimli, and the spot where I just was.

“I guess you saw that” I say to him and he nods, anger and jealousy on his face “You don’t know what he did for me before you came back. You didn’t see how hard he was trying and you didn’t hear the things he said. He was the one who stopped me jumping off that cliff, I owe him my life. I like him. A lot. He’s a good person and I could do a lot worse” I say bluntly, trying to put a stop to his doubts.

“It may be that simple for you, but you’re my daughter. It’s hard to let someone else have you”

“I’m not some sort of possession, I’m my own person!” I say, slightly annoyed.

“I know. But you’ll always be my little girl. I just don’t want to see you get hurt. No one will ever be good enough for you in my eyes”

“I know. But it’s my life. If this is a mistake, which I genuinely believe it isn’t, then let me make that mistake myself” Orders start ringing out, telling the men to take get ready and I am suddenly terrified. My anger disappears and I throw my arms around Aragorn, clinging to him tightly. “Take care and come back” I say “I’ve already lost you once, don’t make me go through it again”

“I’ll try, I promise” he says, hugging and then letting me go. “I have to go”


He strides away and I stay where I am for a minute, watching him go, before walking off in the opposite direction, towards the caves.

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