Let the Fighting Commence

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“Open the gate! Quick!” a voice calls, echoing around the city. A lone rider has returned from Osgiliath. He’s brought up and laid by the white tree where Lord Denethor runs to his side. I arrive just as Denethor is walking away from him. Pippin runs towards the body and I meet him there, dropping to my knees to find that it’s Faramir. His chest rises and falls slightly.

“He’s breathing” I gasp

“He’s alive!” Pippin calls “He needs medicine my Lord!” But the Steward is not paying attention.

“My Lord Denethor your son is alive!” I yell, getting up and striding over to Denethor.

“No, he is dead, my line is ended!” he yells, looking out to see the enemy outside the city, far too close. “Théoden has betrayed me” he mutters before shouting “Abandon your posts! Flee! Flee for your lives!” suddenly Gandalf’s staff smacks into the back of his head, sending him reeling.

“Prepare for battle!” The wizard calls.

“Oh great, finally time for battle and I haven’t got my stuff” I say.

“Ariana, we’ll need you in this fight”

“I’ll get my weapons” I say, running off.

The citadel of Minas Tirith is entirely white stone, and it is more corridor than rooms. Frankly I think it’s a miracle that I haven’t got lost already, but somehow I always manage to choose the exact wrong moment to do these things. My feet skid on the well-polished floor as I desperately try to remember the way to my room. All the men are out fighting so there’s no one to ask and I just have to hope that I’ll find my way. Eventually I stumble across a staircase which looks familiar and run up it. The corridor I end up in looks familiar and I run along, testing every door until I stumble into a room which is thankfully my own. “I really need to work on my memory” I mutter as I enter. Fortunately I just threw my weapons over a chair so I quickly pull on my quiver, swing my bow over my shoulder and strap on my knife belt and sword. Moving to the window I see orcs beginning to swarm over the city.

“Well Ana, you wanted the fighting to come. Let’s hope you’re ready for it” I whisper before heading off to the nearest exit.

The upper levels of the city are empty, thank goodness, but it doesn’t take too long for me to reach the fighting. I hear the battle long before I see it, screams, cries of agony fill the air. I smell it soon afterwards, the metallic scent of blood filling the catching at my throat like a poison. The orcs have broken through the gate and are everywhere when I eventually find them. Bodies littler the floor, human and orc, and the floor is stained with blood. I don’t get long to adjust though as an orc sets his sights on me and is running, sword drawn. I do a quick calculation in my mind and determine I have just enough time to shoot him, swinging my bow from my shoulder and loading it in a heartbeat, aiming and firing it in the next. My arrow flies perfectly straight, hitting the exact centre of his forehead and stopping him dead in his tracks. A voice calls behind me, gaining my attention.

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