The Walls of Moria

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Ariana’s P.O.V.

“We must get off the mountain!” Boromir’s voice yells above the wind, cutting through my thoughts and forcing me to think about the present and shake off my fear. “Make for the gap of Rohan and take the West Road to my city!” Boromir continues.

“The gap of Rohan takes us too close to Isengard!” Father objects, helping me to my feet. Then he turns to me “Are you alright now?” He asks.

“Yes. Thank you” I reply

“If we cannot go over the mountain, let us go under it! Let us go through the mines of Moria!” Gimli puts in. Gandalf looks concerned, fearful, as though the mines scare him.

“Let the ringbearer decide” He says.

Frodo looks unsure but Boromir decides to hurry him by yelling “We cannot stay here! This will be the death of the hobbits!” Ok, so maybe Boromir is rude and easily corrupted and has an ego bigger than the shire but beneath it all I think he is ok really.

“Frodo?” Gandalf prompts him.

“We will go through the mines” Frodo decided.

“So be it” Gandalf says.

It is dark when we reach Moria and the lake next to the walls is pitch black with tiny dots of white light where it reflects the stars. Gimli begins to knock against the wall with his axe, explaining that “Dwarf doors are invisible when closed”

“Indeed, their own masters cannot find them if their secrets are forgotten” Gandalf says.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Legolas says sarcastically. I snigger but as I am walking behind him I jab him in the back.

“Rude!” I whisper in a joking tone. He just grins at me.

Gandalf stops at a piece of wall between two trees and begins to trace lines on the wall. The moon appears from behind a cloud, shining down on the wall. Slowly, silver lines begin to appear on the stone, giving off their own light and outlining an elaborate door.

“It reads ‘The door of Durin. Speak friend, and enter’” Gandalf translates.

“What do you suppose that means?” Merry asks.

“It’s quite simple” Gandalf replies, with an air of confidence about him “If you are a friend speak the password and the doors will open” He then presses his staff against the door and chants something. Nothing happens. He tries again with another chant. Again nothing.

“Nothing’s happening” Pippin says to Legolas and me. I grin down at him before turning back to Gandalf who is now grumbling to himself.

“What are you going to do then?” Pippin asks.

“Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took! And if that does not satisfy them, and I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions, I will try to find the open words” Gandalf says.

“I thought it was a valid question” I whisper to Pippin who nods and grins slightly.

I find myself a place on a nearby rock and sit, watching the water as Gandalf mutters various spells and incantations, to no avail.

Close by Aragorn is talking to Sam. “The mines are no place for a pony” He says “Even one as brave as Bill”

“Bye bye Bill” Sam says to his Pony and then Aragorn turns Bill around and sends him off.

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