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Heyyyy everyone, welcome to this chapter, hope you enjoy and I'll see you later
Disclaimer: There will be cussing. I do not own any of the characters or pictures in this chapter.

Cassidy's pov
I was chilling in my dorm for a bit since I had already got dressed for class today, then I got a knock on my door "can I come in mí amor?" Sero asked, I opened the door and he walked in "what's up?" I asked Sero "well I wanted to get something off my chest" I walked to my bed so me and him can sit "so Cassidy you're a real good friend, but I wanted to tell you that I want to be more then friends like together" my heart skipped a beat, I hadn't really thought about it that much, but I did have feelings for Sero "really? Like you're for real" I asked him surprised "yes I'm for real" I jumped onto him and kissed his cheek (mhmm I bet y'all was hoping for something else👀) "so is that I yes?" I shook my head "yes I'll be with you"

Author's pov
While Cassidy was talking Todoroki was listening to the door 'dang it' recently everyone in the group lost feelings for Cassidy and saw her as a friend Kiri and Mina developed feelings for each other and Denki and Jirou did to, but Todoroki wasn't going to move on to fast.

Aizawa said it was time for mid terms and that if some of us failed they would not go to the hero training camp for this summer. Denki and Mina where going to get help from Momo with a few others "hey Cas do you wanna study for the project together?" Todoroki asked "yeah sure you and Sero can come to my room after class" Todoroki's happy expression dropped "okay"

Class had went on with everyone getting excited for the trip but also worried about the test, Cassidy wasn't worried about the physical test considering that she was always top of the class when it came to fighting and stuff like that, now she was worried for the writing portion considering she usually makes b's or c's with a few a's.

Cassidy's pov
Class was finally over and I went to my dorm to get ready for my study session with Sero and Todoroki. I was distracted by my music while changing my pants to notice that Sero had walked in "wow you look good mi amor" Sero said looking at my ass "damn you almost scared me, and stop looking" I started jumping around trying to hurry up and put on my sweat pants "why? You're all mine now" I felt his breath on my ear which sent shivers down my spine, he then started moving his hands onto my ass and squeezed it "Sero I-" "*coughing noise*" I moved Sero off once I noticed Todoroki came in "ight let's get started."

Time skip
It was now time for the final part of the exam and we where excited since some people where saying we would be fighting the exam robots "today you will all be going up against a teacher" 'bitch I know you did not' Aizawa said. Everyone had a partner after Aizawa explained what to do, but I was the only one who didn't "um whose my partner?" "Turn around" I turned around to see my best friend from America "JORDAN" I ran to my friend "I missed you girl" "I missed you to, but you like the hero fit?" Jordan said stepping back so I can see "okay looking like a bad bitch, period"

This is Jordan

Quirk: solar energy, she can use the power of the sun to make different types of things including weapons, Jordan can also use solar energy to either heal herself or others

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Quirk: solar energy, she can use the power of the sun to make different types of things including weapons, Jordan can also use solar energy to either heal herself or others. She has a ring that is charged by the sun so that way even if it's night she can still use her quirk.
Hero costume

"Who we going up against tho?" Me an Jordan tuned our attention back to Aizawa you will fighting snip" "you mean the dude who lit Shigaraki's ass up?" I said "yes ma'am that's me" I tuned around to the voice and turns out it was Jamal "oh hey hey ...

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"Who we going up against tho?" Me an Jordan tuned our attention back to Aizawa you will fighting snip" "you mean the dude who lit Shigaraki's ass up?" I said "yes ma'am that's me" I tuned around to the voice and turns out it was Jamal "oh hey hey Jamal, this'll be interesting".

We all go into the observation room and first was Izuku and Bakugou, to be honest I was nervous for them since their fighting the #1 hero "it's going to be okay girl, your friend will make it" I nodded silently and just watched.

Time skip
Bakugou and Izuku got beat the fuck up, they might of passed but damn. The two were taken to recovery girls room and the fights went on.

It was now time for me and Jordan to go up "you ready?" I look at my best friend "I'm always ready" we did our signature handshake and got into position.

"START" all might yelled into the speaker, me and Jordan began to sprint over to the other side but stoped when a bullet nearly got us "not so fast you two" me and Jordan activate our quirks and began our attack, Jordan had made two matching katanas while I started to call on Shango (if y'all don't know already he is one of my favorite male deities) snipe was going to shoot at me but Jordan sliced the gun in half "good" I attack with thunder putting Snipe in a daze "come on Jordan"

we run towards the exit but stoped when I was shot in the leg "no we're not going to give up" Jordan created a lasso from solar energy and wrapped Snip in it "okay come on" Jordan and I ran to the exit, this time making it "and the heroes win"

We went back to everyone "good job young Cassidy, and Jordan, oh Cassidy are you okay?" 'I almost forgot' everyone looked at me concerning since my leg was bleeding from Snip shooting me "She'll be fine, I can heal her" Jordan begins to heal my leg also taking the bullet out at the same time.

"Hola princesa" Sero hugs me "hey Sero, y'all did good, well besides you passing out, but you still did good" I scratched my neck "wow way to rub salt into my wound, but naw thanks, anyways I was hoping if you'd let me chill in your room" 'what's he planning?' "Sure".

Everyone finished their battles and I went back to the dorms after telling Jordan bye.
I was now in my room changing since Sero said he wanted to shower, I changed into some Nike shorts and a white crop top *knock knock* I open my door expecting to see Sero but turns out it was actually Todoroki.

Sero's pov
After changing I walked over to Cassidy's room to see that Todoroki was there 'what's he doing?' I watched and saw that he kissed Cassidy but she quickly pushed him of and was cussing him out.
I walked over to the two "bro what was that for? You know me and Cassidy are together" Todoroki rolled his eyes and walked off "I'm sorry baby, I didn't know he was going to be at the door" 'why is she sad? She didn't do anything wrong, it was Todoroki's fault' "it's okay Cas you didn't do anything, now let's watch a movie.

Cassidy's pov
Me and Sero laid on my bed watching movies, and I eventually fell alsleep with only hearing one last thing before going to sleep "you complete me Cas" and after that I was sleep.

Heyyyyy hope y'all liked the chapter, see you later. Byeeeee
Word count: 1284

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