An eventful weekend

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Thank you for reading this chapter please enjoy.
Disclaimer!!: there will be cussing. I do not own the my hero characters and the pictures in this story.

Cassidy's pov
It was Friday and the end of school, me and Todoroki go to my house since he wanted to train, "so what do you want to work on" I kept my eyes on the road "some combat moves, I think it'll help me improve a lot more and make me stronger" Todoroki was determined to get stronger "okay well my dad should be home so we all can train together"

We make it to my house, and walked in "hey dad I'm home, I brought Todoroki over to train he wanted to learn some combat moves" I told my dad who was just in the living room watching tv "okay y'all want me to come help" "sure dad plus I wanted to learn some new stuff this week" dad turns the tv off and takes Todoroki to the training room while I change into my training clothes, it was just some leggings and a white crop top, and I kept my hair in a ponytail.

Todoroki pov
While Cassidy was changing I told her dad on what I wanted to work on "okay well for now just stretch till Cassidy gets back"
After a few moments of just silence Cassidy finally came down "Hey guys sorry if I took to long" Cassidy looked cute in her training outfit fit, wait what am I thinking I'm only here for training I don't need to have a girl make me loose focus.

2 hours later
I learn a few new combat moves that I learned how to incorporate my quirk with "good job Todoroki keep that up and you'll make it to your goal in no time" the training was kind of tiring since we where doing moves that I've never done before, but looking at Cassidy she barely broke a sweat, but seeing her train while I took a break was relaxing, she was graceful but strong with her moves and was really fast to, but her dad tripped her which made me laugh a bit "hey what you laughing at, you can spar with my dad since me tripping was so funny"

Cassidy's pov
I watched as dad and Todoroki spared and let me tell you dad practically mopped the floor with him "hahaha I omg lol Peppermint you good?" My stomach was hurting from all the laughing I was doing "yeah I'll be fine and stop laughing it's not that funny" Todoroki had a slight blush on his face that was actually cute.
"Hey it's getting late Todoroki you need a ride home?" Todoroki was about to say no before I interrupted him "yes he does" dad nodded and went to go get his keys while Todoroki grabbed his stuff "so what did you think about training?" We where walking out to dads car "it was actually fun" we got into the car and dad started driving.
After a while of listen to the radio and dad talk about all the jokes he made about Endeavor we made it to Todoroki's house "okay we're here, bye Todoroki it was fun training you" dad had dapped him up "yeah it was fun, see you Monday Cassidy" peppermint walked inside and me and dad went back home, and I took a very much needed shower and got ready for the night

Saturday aka next day

It was Saturday which was the day I go out and hang with Bakugou "hmm what should I wear" I had two outfit ideas but didn't know which on to wear.

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I finish my getting dressed and just left my twists down
Mom and dad had to leave since there was some type of problem at their agency's.
I put on my lipgloss making my lips shine "oookaaaay period, I really be looking like a goddess like yes miss gurl" after hyping myself up I heard a knock at the door "coming!!!" I grab my purse and my shoes and head out "hey porcupine" I laughed at the name I gave him "tch dumbass stop calling me that, now hurry up so we can leave" I laughed and decided to mess with him a bit, so I read his mind 'Cami's pretty cool, tch dumbass' "awww Bakugou you think I'm coooool" Bakugou looked at me surprised "h-how did you know dumbass" lol he's blushing hard now
"I can read minds remember" and after that he just walked off.

After a while of me bing on my phone while Bakugou drove to the arcade we finally made it "yay come on Bakugou let's go play some games" "tch shut up let's just go in" we walked in and paid for some token before finding a game to play "wait whoever has the most wins has to buy food" I only said that just to make Bakugou buy me food "fine but don't expect me to go easy on you" "okay bet" we started playing the games but we kept getting tied "omg move dumbass!!" We where playing a race car game and I had moved in front of Bakugou so his car can't pass "yay I win!" "Hold on we still got one mor game and I'll beat you" Bakugou said while we headed to the go cart racing "mhm I'd like to see you try" this set Bakugou off but made him crash into the wall making me die of laughter " lol should of payed attention"

After that we ended up tying so we just said to come back and break the tie "well thanks for taking me to the arcade it was fun" I grabbed my stuff and opened the door " what ever dumbass, see you at school bye" I waved to Bakugou while he left the driveway going home.
"I think I'll do a self care day tonight" I walked in mom and dad still aren't home probably fighting a petty criminal or at the agency.
I made a bath with lots of bubbles and hot water, I put on a face mask and get into the bath.

Time skip cause idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
I got out and got annoyed with how messed up my twists got so I just took my hair down and washed it. After washing my hair I massaged some hair oil into my scalp " I wonder what I'll do about my hair now for school" I chilled for a bit and remember that uncle Aizawa was talking about some place we'll be going to on Tuesday "hmm I hope we not doing anything to crazy but just in case I'll meditate for a little longer so I don't over do it" I laid my blanket down on the floor and grab my crystals and started playing some calming sounds while I meditate

Once I was done mom and dad finally got back home but they seemed tired so I just told them hey and let them rest for the night.

Thank you guys for reading. See you next chapter
Word count: 1198

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