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Helloooo everyone umm I don't really got nun to say besides that I'm glad that y'all are supporting my story but anyways let's get started
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the my hero characters and I don't own the pictures in this story

Cassidy's pov
Today's the exam and I barely got any sleep thinking about it "welp let's get ready for the exam" Cassidy got up and started her morning routine and placed her passion twists in a ponytail for the exam
Hair looks like this

Cassidy's povToday's the exam and I barely got any sleep thinking about it "welp let's get ready for the exam" Cassidy got up and started her morning routine and placed her passion twists in a ponytail for the exam Hair looks like this

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I just had on some leggings and my sports bra with one of my training shirts for the exam. I head down to the kitchen to see a plate of scrambled eggs and some fruit with a note from my parents saying 'sorry for not being able to wish you luck but we know you got this so show them we Cassidy is xoxo mom and dad' I just smiled a bit and ate my food rushing to finish. After eating I put on my shoes and head to my car. I put on my music just trying to chill my nerves and get into the mind set that I need.
I finally made it to UA and it is huge, I walk into the auditorium and while waiting for the exam to begin I just start to meditate and control my breathing.
Once I opened my eyes uncle mic was about to start talking (yes she knows mic him and her mom had done a mission together and that's when Cassidy met him) Cassidy waved getting mic's attention, Mic waves back and begins talking

Time skip (sorry I just forgot what he said but y'all should have the idea of what he said)

Author pov
Once Mic is finished talking Cassidy heads over the wear the exam will begin. Cassidy had made it to beta ground zero (or what ever they call it) and was just waiting for the exam to begin. "Hey" some had said causing Cassidy to turn around and see who it was "oh hey kiri I didn't know you was gonna be here" Kirishima blushed at the nickname but didn't wanna say anything "yeah same here lol" Kirishima laughing a little

Kirishima's pov
Wow Cassidy looks really good, like she always does but.. ughh why am I thinking this we just met last night and plus I don't even know her that well

Cassidy's pov
I was going to keep talking to Kiri but the exam was about to start and I needed to be in the front. I told Kirishima bye and headed to the front before the bell went off. I ran and called on Amadioha (god of thumder and lightning) and struck 3 robots at once with my lightning.

Time skip
After a while I gained 90 points so far, but most of the participants including myself have taken down almost all of the robots. I felt the earth shake and people were running away from something, I looked to see what they where running from to see the zero pointer. I was going to go and take it down and show if since it was so big but before I did I saw someone who was right in front of it about to get run over by the robot so I decided to not use such a huge attack. I call on Anyanwu (sun goddess) and usethe suns energy to blast the zero pointer and take its head off. I made it to the person seeing it was this pink girl with a hurt leg, I call on Agwu (god of medicine and healing) "hold on I can hear you" I told the pink girl who just looked at me in amazement and just nodded at me "thank you so much for saving me and healing my leg, I'm Mina Ashido" the Mina was so sweet and cute "oh you're welcome, I'm Cassidy Owens" the girls eyes widen as if she had seen a celebrity "are your parents pro hero's!!!" Mina had yelled luckily there was nobody around to hear her scream "yeah my parents are-" Mina cuts me off "Shango and Yemaya!!" Mina basically screeched in my ear but I thought she was cute.
I nodded my head and helped her up walking to the exit so I can head home.

3 week time skip
I was getting anxious with how long it was taking to receive my letter from UA, mom and dad tried to calm me down with my favorite ice cream and movies and even training to get my mind off of things "ughhhh why is it taking so long" I was annoyed but decided to do my own nails to pass time and because why not.
I finished my nails and they came out so cute and I was impressed with my self
The nails

I was about to walk outside till I stepped on a letter but it wasn't a regular letter it was from UA I ran back inside leaving my parents in the living room confused

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I was about to walk outside till I stepped on a letter but it wasn't a regular letter it was from UA
I ran back inside leaving my parents in the living room confused.

I open the letter and took out this little black thing that kinda looked like a hockey puck 'what is this?' I was thinking on what I could be till a hologram of my fave skeleton all might showed but in his muscular for

Small flash back
So I was on my was to go find all might since him and my dad are good friends from doing missions together. "Hey all mig-" I saw a smoke appear and once it dispensed showed a skeleton like man that was in all mights costume, he turns around and saw me and began to wide eye "omg Cassidy how much did you see" I explain to him that I only saw smoke and that I just wanted answers, the short dude explains that she is all might and told me about all for one and all that stuff "wow that's crazy jack skeleton" I said trying to annoy all might "*sigh* anyways can you please not tell anyone, there is a lot at steak if this was to get out young Cassidy" I told all might that my lips where sealed and I won't tell and after that all might told me that he was looking for a successor and that he will look for one at UA (this is before you knew you where moving)

End of flash back

"Hello young Cassidy I would like to tell you that you made 100 hero point plus 40 rescue point , meaning you have passed and I will see you at UA your class is in the envelope and your uniform will be mailed to you. Anyways welcome to UA and become the best hero you can be" the hologram ended and for a second I was speechless but after I processed what happened I screamed and ran to where mom and dad where "I made it, I made it, I'm gong to UA" I had said, my parents got up excited for me telling me how they knew I could do it, and after that we went you to celebrate.

2 hours later
After celebrating I was just chilling in my room until I got a text

Kiri🦈🛑: hey did you get your letter yet?

Cassidy's been ranting to Kiri on how nervous she is about UA and that hopes she got in

Cassidy:yeah I got in bitch🤪
Kiri🦈🔴:same lol, since we both got in you wanna go you some time and celebrate?
Cassidy:okay bet when?
Kiri🦈🔴: Saturday we can go to the mall if you want?
Cassidy: okay period see you then byeeee
Kiri🦈🔴: okay see you then

Kirishima's pov
Wow she's so manly I'm glad I met her

Okay guys and of story. Hope y'all liked it and I wish y'all a good day/night byeeee
Word count: 1325

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