Provisional licens pt. 2

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Cassidy's pov
The arena started to get destroyed and the sleepy guy got on the mic again "this is a rescue situation, the survivors are all actors but treat them as if this was real"

We all run out and I hear a kids cry "are you hurt?" I asked picking him up gently "no but my mom is stuck under a rock" I nod "well hold onto my back and I'll get your mom out in no time" he did just that and I picked up the big rock moving it off the woman, and holding her bridal style "hold on ma'am you and your son will be taken care of"

After taking them to help I leave and found an elderly woman "it's okay miss" I help her up and she seemed okay so I draped her arm over my shoulders and helped her to medical care.

After that it seemed like all the survivors were saved "uh oh looks like the villains are common to finish the job" it was gang Orca.

Shindo had made the ground break and crumble stopping a few but Orca wasn't effected. Sero was checking up on someone but had came over to me.

"So what we gonna do?" I thought about it trying to make sure nobody was hurt but Todoroki and that Inasa guy were arguing and kept deflecting each other's quirk's.

"OMG CAN YOH TWO SHUT UP AND ACTUALLY FUCKING HELP" I yelled catching their attention.

Mine and Sero's plan started with him wrapping Orca up "you should know this won't hold me back" Orca said "oh I know, but she will" and as Sero said that me, Todoroki, and Inasa send our quirks making the temperature around Orca rise.

"This would work in any other villain but *ach*" I had upped the temperature on my fire also adding bits of electricity for good measure.

Right before Orca could do anything the exam was over "good job everyone after changing you'll come back to see your scores" we all left to change.

After finding out our scores as we all walked out Todoroki had stopped me "look I'm sorry for how I was acting" I shake my head "it's fine Todoroki, just maybe don't argue during a villain attack" he laughs "ight I won't"

We all eventually make it back to the dorms and Sero had picked me up "where we going?" "To my room" I just nod not minding spending time with Sero.

"So did you just wanted to cuddle?" I asked as Sero had his head rested on my chest "yeah pretty much" I lightly chuckle playing with his hair.

Ight that's it y'all

Word count: 450

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