Traning time

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Hi guys just letting y'all know that I'm still grateful that y'all are actually reading my story and I'm just hoping that you like it and now let's get into the story
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures in this or the mha characters

Author pov
It's the next day and also training day for Cassidy. While she is sleep her parents are already up and Marcus is on his way to wake up Cassidy so she can get ready and eat breakfast before they start training

Cassidy's pov
"Ayy princess get up and get ready so we can start training" my dad woke me up and even tho I would rather sleep I have to pass the exam so I force my self up and start to get ready. Once out of the shower I dry my self and put on my training clothes on and just put my hair in a low ponytail... well after like 10 rubber bands pop
Training outfit

I'm on my way down stairs and head to the kitchen after smelling food "hey mama what you making?" Mom didn't turn around but still answered "just sum eggs and bacon for you and Marcus (yes she calls her husband by his first name I couldn't think o...

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I'm on my way down stairs and head to the kitchen after smelling food "hey mama what you making?" Mom didn't turn around but still answered "just sum eggs and bacon for you and Marcus (yes she calls her husband by his first name I couldn't think of anything ) oh and make sure to fill up your water bottle okay baby" mom said while handing me my plate "okay I will, and thank you" I said before eating  "no problem baby" "hey my two beautiful ladies, what y'all up to?" My dad was saying while on his way over to us "nothing just finished making y'all breakfast, I'm finna head over to the office tho" (I forgot to mention that Cassidy's parents both own their own agencies)
mom was heading over to dad giving him a kiss and then going into there room to find her shoes "oh okay baby be careful tho" dad has always been very protective of me and mom considering him and mom are both famous pro hero's " okay I will, see y'all later, and train hard babygirl" mom was finally on her way out unlocking the door "okay I will byeeee" I don't think she heard me but oh well

"So dad what are we gonna work on?" I was getting excited since I haven't trained in a while due to us have to get everything ready to move " your quirk and some new combat moves to the usual" yeah dad and mom are big on teaching my combat moves so that way even without having to use my quirk that I'm strong "okay" I said excitedly "let's head to the training room, first we gonna stretch"

Time skip

After stretching and meditating for a bit we start on just basic combat moves which was easy since I've been doing combat since I was little "okay for the new moves start with your right leg in front and left in the back" my dad was explaining how to do the move.

Marcus pov
Seeing Cassidy do the new move as if she's done it before, makes me proud of how much she's grown and I know that once she steps inside UA everyone will know why my princess got in "okay now let's see how you're quirk is" Cassidy closes her eyes and yells "Oya" (Oya is the Yoruban goddess of weather tornado, lightning, destructive stroms and fire) Cassidy begins and I charge at her with a dagger made of my fire. Cassidy watched as I charge with her eyes glowing white ( oh yeah her eyes glow white when she uses her quirk) she uses wind to to move me away and keeps watch of me "remember that you have to read your opponents moves so you can be a step ahead of them" I said but not prepared for what she was going to do. Cassidy closes her eyes again and says something but can't hear her, she starts to look at me and gives me a mischievous smirk before blasting me with ocean water (she can call on ocean water depending on who's power she is using) I was taken back but smiled because even tho I was reading her she countered and caught me off guards.

1 month time skip night before the exams
Cassidy's pov
It's the night before the exam and I'm so nervous, I know that I have gotten stronger but I'm still scared that I might mess up. I decide to take a walk to the store to get snacks just to calm down and so I can get ice cream.

I grab my ice cream and head to the checkout area till a accidentally run into someone " oh I'm so sorry are you okay?" The person was apologizing to me, when I look up I see a guy with red hair that has seems like he has shark teeth "oh no it's fine I should of payed attention" I was kinda nervous since the guy was kinda cute "I'm still sorry but umm my names Eijiro Kirishima" hmm Kirishima " well hi Kirishima I'm Cassidy" I said to the cute boy "hey I know this might seem rude but is your skin related to your quirk?" He asked I would usually be rude after someone asks that but I can tell he was just curious
"oh no I'm just black but if you mean the spots then still no I just have vitiligo" Kirishima looked so embarrassed as if he just said the worst thing ever " oh I'm so sorry I hope I didn't offend you that wasn't manly of me" Kirishima was kept apologizing and I just laughing and how cute he looked "it's ight I'm not mad and anyways I gotta go" I said about to get my stuff checked out "hey can I have your number" I looked back and just nodded my head while I paid for my stuff.

After giving Kirishima my number and saying bye I was on my way home just thinking about exams again, but this time I'm not nervous, I'm actually excited because I know I've worked hard and that I'm strong enough to get in to UA.

Hey guys thanks for reading again I hope y'all enjoyed and see you later.
Word count:1053

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