Before the party

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Hey y'all, welcome back, and anyways I hope y'all enjoy.

Cassidy's pov
It was the day before the dance and UA gave us a day off to go get our dresses and stuff. Jordan had came and she was actually staying with my parents while she here "*knock knock* Ayy you ready yet?" I heard Jordan's voice "yeah I'm ready, so you can stop with all that knocking" I walk out of the room seeing Jordan and Mina.

This they fits to



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(Yes the colors match they planed it)

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(Yes the colors match they planed it)

"Damn we cute" I said looking at the two "yeah, and our colors match" Mina said smiling "anyways come on, the boys left before us" Jordan said pulling us along "what about Momo?" "You know she rich, she orders her dress a while ago" the two hum and we get to my car.

Mina sat in the back while me and Jordan were in the front "oh I got some good news" Jordan said "what is it?" Me and Mina talked in unison "I'm gonna start going to UA with y'all" my eyes go wide "YES" we talked a bit more about Jordan moving and we eventually made it to the mall.

"Okay Kiri said they at the front" we got out the car walking to the entrance "hey baby" I said kissing Sero's cheek "hey beautiful" "ight us girls gonna get our dresses while you guys get your suits" we ran off "wait hold up I need to get Sero's gift" I walked over to the jewelry store and buy Sero's gift.

"What you get him?" Jordan asked while Mina was already in the store "it's a surprise, but come one before Mina get herself kicked out or sum" we go in and started to pick out our outfits.

"I don't think imma wear a dress this time" I said "well you're gonna look cute either way, here what about this" Mina hands me this really cute two piece suit "wait this real cute, thanks Mina" she smiles and the three of us go to pay for our things.

"Oh wait yo momma said she was gonna do your hair for the dance" I looked in the back seat "you good with coming with us Mina?" She smiled "yeah I don't mind, and you're parents are super cool" I turned back to the road driving to my house.

"Hey munchkin" Dad opened the door also giving me a hug "het dad, where's mom? She supposed to do my hair" "I'm over here, hurry and wash your hair and we'll get started" I did just that siting my bags down with Mina and Jordan's stuff.

Time skip
"Okay I'm done, you can go look while I put this stuff up" Mina and Jordan were sleep on the couch so I just went straight to the bathroom to look at my hair.
The hair

I come back to the living room seeing the two were still sleep " Jordan staying with y'all till she gets her dorm right?" I asked momma "yeah" I nodded "well I'll see you and dad later, I love y'all" I pick up Mina and our bags and walk out the house

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I come back to the living room seeing the two were still sleep " Jordan staying with y'all till she gets her dorm right?" I asked momma "yeah" I nodded "well I'll see you and dad later, I love y'all" I pick up Mina and our bags and walk out the house.

*bump* "whops" I had accidentally bumped Mina's head on my car as I tried to lay her in the backseat. "*yawn* let's go back to the dorms" I start the car and pull out from the driveway.

Once we made it somehow Mina was still sleep "this girl really put cold" I pick her up and out bag, walking into the dorms "oh y'all are back" Sero said "yeah but Mina decided to stay sleep" Kiri walks up to us "I'll take her" I hand her to him and he takes Mina to his room "so what are you wearing?" "Can't tell you baby, it's a surprise" he hummed and I lightly kissed his lips "see you at the Valentine's party handsome" "you to beautiful" and with that I went to my room smiling like a kid in a candy store.

Ight that's it for this chapter, see y'all later.

Word count: 689

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