Rescue mission

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Hey everyone, welcome back, anyways hope you all enjoy.

Cassidy's pov
I had woken up but I had restraints on my and I saw Bakugou "what the?" "We've been kidnapped stupid" I guessed we were in the LOV hideout 'I hope we get saved' I wasn't that scared but I was worried that our friends got hurt especially Sero.

Sero's pov
"MOVE" we were in Midoria's hospital room, me Kiri, Todoroki, and Momo were trying to convince Midoria to come " we can't just run off Sero, if we do that's basically being like a villain" Tsu said "I don't care, that's my best friend and girlfriend out their and you all want me to just... sit here? Hell no" I was going crazy, anything could be happening to Cassidy and I wouldn't know "chill dude we'll save them" Kirishima said "I know"

Time skip
We were now waiting on Midoria and Momo outside of the hospital waiting to see if they would help "I'll help" Midoria said walking up to use "I will to" Momo was behind him "wait!" We all turned around seeing that it was Iida "I am not going to stop you, but I will be going to protect you all".

Back to Cassidy
"So what do y'all want?" I asked Shigeraki "we want you two to join" 'what?' "No thanks pimp, maybe you should let moisturizer join that crusty ass skin tho" he got mad and that was mine and Bakugou's chance to break loose "ight let's go" Toga was running at me with a knife but the heroes broke in "you two okay?" Edgeshot asked "yeah I'm good, you Bakugou?" He scoffed "of coarse in fine idiot" Kamui Woods wraps the villain's in wood and Dabi was going to burn it but Izuku's mentor knocked him out.

All of a sudden we were pushed into a warp and were now outside. All might and best Jeanist were there but a huge man with his face covered 'what the?' Him and all might fight a bit and we see our friends.

"WE GOT YALL" Bakugou uses his explosions and grabs Kiri and before I could use me quirk Sero grabs me with his tape

"are you okay?" He checks out my face "yeah I'm fine, they didn't touch me" he sighs in relief.

Time skip
After all might's true form was revealed to everyone, me and Sero were chilling in my room "you know I was worried about you?" I look up at him in his arms "I know Mina told me, I was worried about y'all to" I lightly kiss his lips and it eventually turned into us making out.

Sero's hands move to my shirt taking it off "wow" he said to himself making me nonexistent blush. Hey sucks and kisses along my neck, and snakes his hands to my bra hook "can I?" I nod. He takes my bra off and starts to trail kisses down my chest towards my area "you're so perfect" he looked me in the eyes and I couldn't help but smile, I was going to respond but he cut me off "no you don't have to say anything, just know you are perfect and you're my everything" he kisses me and starts to hook his fingers around my shorts and underwear pulling them off.

I start to squirm a little aching for Sero's touch "looks like someone's being needy" he smirked a bit rubbing my clit with his thumb. I start to feel Sero enter a finger into me pushing m in and out hitting every spot perfectly "ah" I start to moan but quickly put my hand over my mouth not wanting anyone to hear us "no let them hear you princesa" Sero said hitting my g spot.

I started to feel a familiar knot in my stomach and Sero noticed to and went faster "cum for me" I cam harshly in his fingers shaking a bit from the intensity. Sero comes up kissing me and I tasted myself on his lips. He takes off his clothes and lines his dick at my entrance "you ready?" "Yeah" he pushed in and waited for me to adjust "okay" Sero starts to move and places my legs up to my head "AH FUCK" the room was filled with the sound of our moans and skin slapping "fuck you feel so good" Sero drilled into me while I made scratches on his back.

"I-I'm close" "just hold it for me" I tried holding it but it was getting harder and harder with each thrust Sero made. The strokes became sloppy letting me know Sero was close "cum for me" and with that we both cam with Sero filling me up (pregnancy don't exist till I say so😤)

Sero quickly lifts me up taking me to the my bathroom and running a warm bath "are you okay?" I tiredly nodded relaxing against Sero's chest. It was a comfortable silence for a bit "I love you Cassidy" I smiled "I love you to Sero"

After cleaning ourselves we got dressed for the night and went to sleep.

Ight y'all that's it for this chapter,
see y'all later

Word count: 869

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