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Heyyyy y'all, sorry for not uploading as much as usual, but I'm back so enjoy y'all.
Disclaimer: There will be cussing. I do not own any of the characters or pictures in this chapter.

Cassidy's pov
"The top student with the most internship offers are Cassidy, Todoroki, and Bakugou" 'wow I have a lot of offers, I even got one from Mirko' "wow Cassidy you have so many offers, that's totally manly" Kirishima, Denki, and Mina where standing around my desk looking at who I got offers from "so who do you want to intern at?" Denki asked me, I saw that I had an offer from dad but I've trained with him a lot so I'll stick with Mirko "I think I'll go with Mirko" everyone was surprised since I had an offer from my parents but still thought it was a really good choice.

Time skip day of internship
I was driving to my first day of interning with Mirko, I wasn't that nervous because with my parents being pro hero's I already know most heroes, and Mirko was pretty chill so my nerves weren't as bad.

I finally made it to Mirko's agency and told the front desk lady about my internship "okay you May go up to the top level miss" I nod and head over to the elevator.
"Hey Mirko" I said waving to my bunny friend "hey Cassidy, awww you grew up" Mirko always teased me about how I was when I was younger "yeah whatever miss thunder thighs, anyways what are we doing?" "We'll be patrolling so go and put on your hero costume and meet me at the front" I nodded and went to the bathroom to change.

"Wow you're hero costume is cute" Mirko had told me before we started walking "anyways we're patrolling to one calm people and show that we are here to protect them, and two to intimidate any near by villains" I nodded giving a few passing people a reassuring smile.

After patrolling Mirko had me train with her, and wow she's strong, Mirko had me train in my combat skills and gave me a few tips "make sure to always have your guard up" I did what Mirko was telling everyone and started to notice that I was actually doing good "now come on we're going to patrol one more time, especially since it's night right now"

Me and Mirko where patrolling till I got a message from Izuku 'why is Izuku sending me his location?' I was about to say something till Mirko started fighting a nomu. We fought the nomu off but there where more coming but some heroes came to help us "Mirko I have to go, there's something I need to check out!" I started running to where Izuku was.

When I got there I saw Todoroki fight Stain and Izuku and Iida in the ground "are y'all okay?" I was going to get Iida out the way till a knife was coming my way, I dodged it and started to call on Shango to send down thunder onto Stain. I caught one of the bolts using it as a sword "haha the only one who can kill me is All might little girl" 'little girl? Who the fuck?' I swung the bolt at Stain cutting his leg a bit, after I used fire to burn him but he dodged my attack "Cassidy go this is my fight" Iida said still on the ground "nigga you can't even stand up, how the hell are you going to fight Stain?" I turned my attention back on Stain but saw that Izuku got back up.

We all where fighting Stain after Iida got up after a while I had cuts on my leg and a few deeper ones on my arm but I got away before stain could lick my blood. "move back y'all" I was going to use a new move I had, it was to go into a god state where my every deity that I used powers will transfer to me including fighting style but they will be in control of me for only a few minutes.

Author's pov
Cassidy started to go into her god state with her eyes glowing gold and her flying into the air "oh you're pretty strong kid, to bad you're going to die" Stain tried to cut Cassidy but she hit him with a water blast, slamming him into the ground, Stain got up stumbling a bit but tried to hit Cassidy again but this time with persistence Cassidy fought Stain landing and dodging everyone hit perfectly.
Cassidy landed her final blow which was thunder smashing down onto Stain.
'Wow she's amazing' The boys thought.

The pro heroes Endevor, Mirko, and two others came to help, they saw that Stain was already knocked out "who knocked him out?" Mirko asked surprised "Cassidy" the boys said in unison "damn Cas" Mirko was about to go over to Cassidy to make sure she's okay till Stain got up and stated to released a strong aura.
Everyone was taken back by the strong aura, and Cassidy even fell back trying to get away.

Cassidy's pov
The aura was so strong and scary I felt like I had to get as far away from it as possible. I grabbed onto Todoroki, because I just need something to hold onto that made me feel safe, but all of a sudden Stain froze "um what happened?" Stain just fell "his rib punctured his lung" we all sat there not moving for a bit till the paramedics and police arrived.

I passed out due to the cuts I got from stain "*yawn* oh hey everyone" I waved to the three boys who were up "good morning Cassidy, are you feeling okay?" Iida asked me looking concerned "oh yeah I feel fine" I smiled trying to reassure everyone I'm okay. We talked for a bit till the chief of police, Mirko, and some old guy that Izuku was interning with came in "are you okay Cas?" I nodded, but then Mirko hit my head "ow what was that for?" 'Gaw dayuum👴🏾' "you should of called me or let someone know where you were" Mirko looked a little upset "I'm sorry" I looked down, a little sad that I made my friend upset "well you three have put yourselves in danger and possibly near by people, now this is breaking the rules especially since you where not allowed to fight" Todoroki got up "we saved everyone tho, shouldn't we be rewarded" Todoroki look pissed, and to be honest I was to, Mirko told Todoroki to calm down befor chief of police kept going "as I was saying you 4 did break some major rules, but you did stop Stain and for that we thank you, but we will have to give the credit to someone else, unless you do want the charges" Todoroki stopped looking so tensed and rested his shoulders "oh start with that next time" he went back to his bed and the heroes walked out.

We all sat in the hospital room for a bit talking and laughing till a few idiots came in "OMG CASSIDY" Mina ran in and put me into a bone crushing hug as Sero, Denki, Kirishima, and Bakugou walked in "hey chill out, you're going to crush Cas" Bakugou said "oh sorry" "are you okay Cassidy? We heard what happy y'all" Kiri said to me, matching a worried look that everyone else in the bakusquad had "yeah I'm fine y'all" I motioned the squad for a group hug, it was like that scene from big hero 6 (iykyk if you watched to movie)

After talking for a bit and laughing at the joke Todoroki made for like 3 hours everyone was discharged and left home "Cassidy you scared us you know" mom said in tha passenger seat "I'm sorry, I won't do nothing reckless like that again" but to be honest if I had to protect the lives of my friends I wouldn't even hesitate to protect them "mhmm well anyways you're okay and that's all that matters"
We make it home and I take a nice warm shower before putting on some shorts and an oversized shirt for bed.

Hey y'all hope you enjoy the chapter, see y'all later. Byeeeee
Word count: 1398

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