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Heyyyy y'all, as always enjoy the chapter.
Disclaimer: There will be cussing. I do not own any of the characters or pictures in this chapter.

Cassidy's pov
Today was the day we go to camp "are you excited Cas?" Mina said "yeah of course I am" we all stood in front of the bus Aizawa told everyone to hurry up and get on the bus and Iida started to be Iida. I sat next to Sero with Mina and Kiri next to us.

"So Sero, what do you think about my best friend!" Mina asked Sero "well I think she's the most beautiful thing around, and I'll always protect her, even if she's strong as fuck" he said squeezing my thigh making me moan quietly "you good?" Mina tilted her towards me "yeah I'm fine" Sero laughed and tightens his grip "you sure baby?" He had an amused smile, while I sent a death glare "yea I'm fine" his grip lossend a bit "hey hands off my child, and we're here everyone" "you're not her dad tho" Denki said getting up "and?"

We all are standing around wondering why we're on this cliff thing "I don't think this is the destination" Izuku said "you're correct" two woman got out of the car "we are the WILD WILD PUSSYCATS" the two said, Izuku started fanboying talking about the two, but then me and Denki came to a realization "GO BACK TO THE BUS" everyone started running but a mud slide caught us and threw us off the cliff.

"If you make it through the forest in time you'll be able to have lunch" Mineta ran off to pee but a monster cane up "I got it" I blew up the monster using Shango's lighting "damn Cas save a few for us" Kirishima said "well hurry y'all asses up"

I started to get a little tired after an hour and carried myself with a tornado also taking out any nearby rock monsters, eventually after 10 minutes I made it to the meeting spot "oh wassup y'all, hey shota" the teachers waved at me "good job with making it here first Cassidy" Aizawa said to me "thanks Shota" I went to lay on a couch waiting on everyone.

Time skip
I was woken up by Aizawa "damn y'all look tore the fuck up" I walked over to the class "HOW DO YOU NOT HAVE A SINGLE SCRATCH ON YOU, YOU DAMN EXTRA" Bakugou yelled "I'm just that good" "well I mean it's Cassidy for y'all" Izuku said smiling at me "thanks Izu" I didn't notice but Sero came up behind me "good job baby, you looked hot out there" he wrapped his arms around me "ay hands of my daughter Sero" 'you not even my dad' I thought.

Everyone went to take a shower cause they was MUSTYER then a bitch, once they finished we all went to eat dinner that the pussycats made for us "now this is the one time we're going to cook for you, next time you will all make dinner for yourselves" they said holding up curry packets. I was eating but saw Izuku shoveling food into his mouth "he fucking that shit up" I laughed "Ha on god" Bakugou said laughing his ass of "eat eat eat ugly ass" Bakugou added "y'all stop your being mean, especially you Cassidy" Uraraka's ass said "girl shut the hell up, we was just playing" I said wait my food "yeah Uraraka Cas always plays like that, and you shouldn't be talking about being mean" Izuku said surprising us all "period Izu go off" Sero started to chime in "yeah he's right, and you only mad cause nobody like yo broke ass" we all laughed and just left an angry Uraraka.

Time skip
After eating everyone went to the healing baths that were separated by gender "damn Cas you is built right" Mina said hyping me up "she right you look like a goddess" Momo went over to us "thank you and if anything you two are baddies" Uraraka and Tsu stood in a corner glaring at us.

After talking for a bit we started hearing the grapeist trying to come up the wall "I got this y'all" recently I found out I could fly so I flew up and wait on the little shit "gotcha" I grabbed him by his head but also making sure he doesn't see the other girls but kinda forgot about myself "you little grape shit, stop being perverted or I'll kill you next time" I threw him into the boys water making him drown a bit "sorry about that Cas... and.... um" Izuku was stumbling over his words till I realized they could see me naked "oh I'm sorry y'all" "naw Mi amor, you look good" Sero caught me off guard and making me fall onto the boys side "CASSIDY" Mina yelled "fuck sorry" Sero caught me with his tape but I didn't want to be faced with embarrassment so I just played dead "Sero move your tape, this is my only chance"

Author's pov
While Cassidy played dead Mineta was being drowned by ALL the boys "shut up" Sero used his tape to cover Mineta's mouth "now what do we do?" Sero turned toward Denki, Kiri, and Bakugou " I don't know man" Denki and Kiri shrugged "dumbass, firstly make sure her hair isn't in the water or she'll beat all of our asses" Bakugou knew how Cassidy was about her hair even if it was in braids she would do everything in her power to keep them dry

"ight, umm I'll take her to the girls room since she's passed out" Sero got out the water carrying Cassidy "you can stop playing dead now"  'fuck' Cassidy thought before opening her eyes "soooo we going back to the cabins?" Sero didnt say anything but nodded "you should be glad I wrapped you up before any of the boys saw you, especially Mineta's ugly ass" "oh thanks and are you going to unwrap me?" Sero looked down at Cassidy and smirked "I had other ideas actually" (I'm not gonna do a 🍋 today but just imagine it, I'll do one later tho)

Hey y'all I hope you liked the chapter and I'll see you later.

Word count: 1051

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