Camp pt. 2

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Hey y'all welcome back to this new chapter, I hope y'all like it and yeah.

Cassidy's pov
It was morning and Aizawa had us wake up early for our own funeral "AHHHHHHHHH" everyone was just screaming while trying to do the training that they were assigned. I was assigned to go through every deity non stop till I ether pass out or get stronger.

I was currently healing everyone using Agwu (known as the medicine men, and healing) while healing others I was told to also manipulate the earth using the deity Ala and after healing to use Anyanwu (sun deity) to create my own beam lasers and weapons using the suns energy.
"You look dead" Mina said out of breath "well hello to you to" I sarcastically say before going back to making small mountains and creating any weapon that came to mind.

After basically murdering myself we all took showers and had to make our own diner "I can cook" I said "really?" Denki ran up to me with tears in his eyes "please help make dinner, nobody else but you, Sero, and Bakugou can cook and I don't wanna starve" he begs me "I mean I was going to help cook anyways but ight" Denki hugs me and goes to hell with everyone's fire.

"You look good when you cook amor" Sero said putting in the vegetables for the curry "why thank you" I smiled but Bakugou came over "hey you two cut that shit out" he puts in his vegetables and I pour the water and all the seasonings to get this started "do we need all that seasoning?" Deku asked me "of course I do, y'all don't season y'all food?" Me and the two boys looked at everyone confused "not that much" Todoroki chimed in "oh naw baby y'all missing out, look once we get back I'll have my parents set up a cook out for y'all, and you can have some seasoned food" everyone (besides miss broke and her froggy side kick) agree.

Me and Sero finished cooking, "wow this is so good" the class was inhaling the food. While fixing myself a play I had noticed that Kota was missing and so I made him a plate and left to go find him.

Once I found him he was sitting at this mountain top "hey Koda, I brought you some curry" he looked back at me and had an angry expression but it had softened a bit "I'm not hungry" he turns back to over look the trees "well when ever you are, you can eat the curry" I sat it down on a rock next to the little boy "well I'll leave here for a bit, but I'll come back to take you to camp okay?" He silently nods his head "okay".

I made it back to everyone and I finished eating 'why does something feel off?' Sero, Mina, and Denki were taken back to do study hall since they didn't pass the exam.

The pussy cats had us do some haunted forest thing, but when me, Bakugou, and Todoroki walked in a strange smell was starting to thicken "SOMEONE'S ATTACKING" we run out to see the league "where's Kota?" "I know where he is, me and Izuku can get him" she does and me and Izuku run to go save him.

Once we made it a muscular villain was there "oh so you're their kid, I'll enjoy killing you like I did to them" he was talking about Kota's parents "get away from Kota" I yelled, he had turned around "and what are you two kids going to do?" Me and Izuku activate our quirks and punch him.

"What the?" The punch didn't do anything "my muscles regenerate at an extremely fast speed" we kept attacking till he was attacked with water "my quirk..." this gave me and Izuku some time and we both used our strongest moves on muscular and knocking him out.

We toke Kota back to everyone and Aizawa gives everyone permission to fight. We found Todoroki,Shoji, and Tokoyami trying to control dark shadow "I'll help" we hold Todoroki back "wait let dark shadow take out that villain first" as expected dark shadow took down the villain.

"Guys we need to find Bakugou, the villains are planning to take him" Izu said. As we all ran Bakugou and Sero showed "Bakugou you need to stay with us, the villains are trying to kidnap you" I said "I'm #1 those villains aren't going to do anything" Sero stepped up "come on bro, just in case" Bakugou agrees and we start to run.

"Hold on y'all, something doesn't feel right" and I was right, Bakugou was taken by one of the LOV "OMG" we all start to chases him but once I was close enough I was knocked out....

Y'all y'all that's the end of this chapter, see you later.

Word count: 824

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