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Hey everyone, welcome back. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Cassidy's pov
Today was the day of the Valentine's party and I had Mina, Momo, and Jirou in my room getting ready "hold up Momo" I fix her hair leaving it down with a heart shaped hair pin in the front "wow I look good, thank you Cas" I smile "no problem, now let me help Mina" I walk over to Mina.

"You excited?" I start on her hair mostly just shaping her fro up "yeah I got Kiri something, you excited tho? I heard Sero has something planned" I smile "yeah, you know what it is?" She smirked "I have no clue" "mhm well which one you want?" I held out two heart shaped hair pins for her to chose "the red one" I nodded my head and finished up her hair.

"*knock knock*" "oh that's Jordan" I went to open the door and there she was "I see y'all getting ready, can I use yo bathroom?" I nodded my head "ight" I did my eye brows and lashes "wow you're eyebrows look perfect Cas" Jirou said doing her makeup "thanks" I heard the water turn off in the bathroom "you done Jordan?" She walked out wrapped in a towel "yeah, but can you help me with my dress?" I nodded "sure" he puts on the dress and I zip it up for her.

"Hey Cas how come you haven't gotten dressed yet?" Mina asked "oh I'm going to now" I grab my clothes and shoes and go to the bath to get dressed.

"How do I look?" I walked out the bathroom "woah, you're so pretty Cas" they all complemented me "thanks y'all, now come on before we're past fashionably late" we all grabbed our things leaving the room.

Ight this is everyone's fits



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"Wait ain't it in the gym?" Jordan asked as we walked around "yeah but it's huge in there" we walked in and there were Valentine's Day decorations everywhere and it seemed like everyone was having a good time "hey there's the boys" Mina pointed out

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"Wait ain't it in the gym?" Jordan asked as we walked around "yeah but it's huge in there" we walked in and there were Valentine's Day decorations everywhere and it seemed like everyone was having a good time "hey there's the boys" Mina pointed out.

We walked over to the boys and they all looked at us "woah, you look amazing Cas" Sero said wrapping his hands around my waist "you don't look so bad your self"

We all dance and have fun "oh wait imma go get me some to drink" I said walking off. I make it to the snack table pouring myself some of the soda "*whisper* ew do you see her? She looks like a cow" "*whisper* I know she has all those spots like ew" I heard two girls say 'it's okay Cassidy just don't listen'  I took a sip of my soda and throw the cup away.

I walk back to everyone "oh wait put this on" Sero said handling me a blindfold "oh we getting kinky?" I rolls his eyes "just put it on for your surprise" I look at Mina and it was like she couldn't contain her excitement "okay fine" I tie in the blindfold and felt Sero grab my hand.

We walk for a bit and I could tell we were on an elevator "are we almost there?" I asked "yeah just a little longer mi amor" the elevator stopped and we walked out.

Sero came to a stop "okay imma take the blindfold off but keep your eyes closed" "okay" Sero takes the blindfold off and grabs my hand and leads me into a room "okay open your eyes" I opened my eyes to see Sero's room decorated with red flower pedals on the ground, and in his bed was a huge teddy bear, all my favorite candy/chocolate's, and cute Valentine's onesies "Sero, this is amazing" I gave him a huge "well that's not it" he takes out a box and opens it revealing a gold necklace with his name on it and a rose attached to it "Sero, you didn't have to" my eyes tears up at the fact that Sero really did love me "well you are mi amor and you deserve the world" as Sero staid that I remembered something.

Sero's pov
Cassidy starts to dig into her purse and pulls something out "it's for you" it was a gold watch and on the inside of it it said "even if time stops, my love for you keeps going" I smile at Cassidy and give her the biggest hug I could possibly give her.

"Awww" we both turned around seeing that it was the squad "omg y'all are so cute" Mina said "when did y'all get here?" I asked "well we had to make sure everything went as planned" Kiri said "ight well yall gotta go, I'm trying to spend Valentine's Day with my man" Cassidy said walk up to close the door "use protection bestie" Jordan laughed before heading out with everyone.

Back to Cassidy
We were both now dressed in the onesies and were cuddled up while watching TD (total drama) and eating candy "Sero" "hm?" "Thank you for everything, I'm so glad we've gotten so close and I love you like truly" Sero smiles and lifts my chin up with his thumb "I love you to Cassidy and I'm so glad I can call you mine" and with that we shared the sweetest kiss I could ever imagine.

Ight then, that's it for this chapter yall, see y'all later.

Word count: 912

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