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What's up y'all welcome to this chapter. Hope you like it and have fun reading.
Disclaimer!!: there will be cussing. I do not own the my hero characters and the pictures in this story.

Cassidy's pov
Aizawa made us wear our hero costumes and of coarse Mineta had to be knocked the fuck out for being perverted. Anyways Iida was trying to make everyone sit in bus order till he found out it's not that type of bus. I sit between Sero and Denki with Kirishima and Mina in front of us, I looked for Bakugou but he was sitting in the back of the bus with his eyes closed.

"When you think about it the ones with flash and powerful quirks in class they are Todoroki, Bakugou, and Cassidy" "yeah but Bakugou is to mean to be likable" Tsu had said setting Bakugou off. After a while of Bakugou yelling I fell asleep waiting till we made it to wherever we're going.

Sero's pov
Omg mí princesa is cute when she sleeps, she looks so peaceful. Oh her heads moving I thinks she's going to put her head on ether mine or Denkis shoulder, it better be me or I'll tape Denki to the roof again.

Denki pov
I was talking to Mina till I felt something on my shoulder, I looked over and saw that it was Cassidy sleeping. She looked to peaceful and calm I made sure not to wake her since she'll need the rest for whatever we're doing today

Mina pov
I wish it was me who Cassidy slept on, I know she probably doesn't even know that she's laying on Denki's shoulder but I still wish it was me

Kirishima pov
I was about to finish talking to Mina till I noticed that Cassidy had fallen asleep on Denki's arm, I felt jealous that I wasn't the one she laid on, but at the same time I just have to admire how beautiful she looks, Cassidy just looks so at peace it just makes my stomach feel weird

Bakugou pov
(He's to busy yelling at Izuku to notice his best friend)

Cassidy's pov
I felt a few light taps on my arm and feel my head on something warm, I open my eyes to see that is was Denki who was blushing while telling me that we're here at the place "oh sorry I didn't know I fell asleep on you" I got up from the seat stretching "oh it's fine I didn't mind" Denki got up to and we walked off the bus to find out that we where at USJ

Authors pov
Everyone walked in and Aizawa and pro hero 13 started to explain what everyone will be doing "this place is set up to be like different natural disasters and you will be placed in each one" 13 had explained. Before 13 could finish explaining a purple warp appeared

Cassidy's pov
A purple warp appeared and some people backed up "is this apart of the training?" Uraraka's dumbass asked 'that dumbass question come on girl catch up' a guy who need some lotion and chapstick ASAP and hands all over him walked out with another guy who is the one controlling the warp "aww all might was supposed to be here, I guess we just kill the brats till he shows up" the crusty guy said while scratching his neck. Everyone had gotten scared but me since this isn't the first time I've seen villains due to my parents being pro hero's. Bakugou and Kirishima ran trying to attack but ended up going into a wrap to wherever in this place 13 tried to save us but she got injured and momoa and broke bitch went over to her, we where all put into a warp sending us to different places of USJ.
I got up and saw Bakugou and Kirishima fighting some of the villains "finally your up sleeping beauty, hurry up and help" a villain came at me charging till I used Oya's power and made a powerful wind sending the other villains back "you two move back" Bakugou and Kirishima took a few steps back out of the way, I made a thunder bolt and threw it at the villains taking them out.

Time skip
After fighting a few more villains, I saw something heart breaking... it was uncle Aizawa having both his arms broken by some monster "Aizawa!!" Kirishima and Bakugou tried to tell me to stay back but I won't listen because Aizawa is like a second father to me. I begin to use Oya and Shango's power together making a fire tornado to get the villains away from him, I got them away but the bird monster was still standing regenerating his arm back "hahaha this is Nomu he's the best creation made just for all might" the crusty man went over to Aizawa to do something to him but before he could Izuku ran ready to punch him, but the lotion dude saw and was about to touch Izuku till he was shot in the arms and legs.

We all look over to see the pro hero's including my parents showing up "if any of you musty ass villains touch my baby Imma make you regret being born bitch" it was mom obviously 'period mom and dad pop off' a few villains thought they could take my parents but obviously were proved wrong and all might was fighting the nomu.
"Guys hurt up we got to get him to a doctor" we were carrying uncle Aizawa so he can get help "Cassidy it's okay just hurry up and get to somewhere sa-" "NO I'm not letting you get hurt, you're family I can't just leave you here"

All might sent the nomu flying, Uncle Aizawa was sent to the hospital to get treatment and the rest of us got checked to make sure we weren't hurt "omg baby are you okay?" Mom ran to me giving me a hug while dad was talking to the police "yeah mom in okay... can you please let me go I can't breath" after that mom let go of me, and
was telling me how her and dad got a call telling them about what was going on, "hello Cassidy and heellooo Yemaya, you look good in your costume" Mineta was trying to hit on my mom and it was the weirdest thing ever "little boy don't talk to me like that before me AND my husband knock you out" Mineta had looked so scared after that and just nodded his head, and ran
"Hahaha wow mom you didn't have to scare him" mom started laughing with me, and after talking to police and finding out we won't go to school for 3 days, mom and dad took me home and we just rested for the day.

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