Festival tings

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Hello y'all just letting you know there will be a time skip just cause I don't feel like making up a filler chapter so yeah. Enjoy
Disclaimer!!: there will be cussing. I do not own the my hero characters or the pictures in this story.

Cassidy's pov
The UA sports festival was coming up and everyone was training for it, even me

Shinsou😈: morning Cas
Cassidy🌺:  morning Shinsou-kun
Shinsou😈: are you excited for the sports festival?
Cassidy🌺: yeah are you
Shinsou😈: yeah but I'm also kinda nervous tho
Cassidy🌺:  oh well don't think to much about it as a wise person said "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill me"
Shinsou😈: didn't you get that from that one vine?
Cassidy🌺: yes but oh well it's true
Shinsou😈:mhmm oh well I'll text you later I gotta go
Cassidy🌺: okay byeeee
*Cassidy off line*

Time skip
The sports festival is only in a few day and you can practically cut the tension in the air with a knife.
The bell had range for us to go home but we couldn't leave because there where a whole bunch of people blocking our way out "hey what's going on?" I made my way to the front "oh hey Shinsou what's going on?" Shinsou looked surprised to see you "I didn't know you where in class 1-A, but I came to see the class who survived the villains attack, but looks like you're the only strong one one here" Shinsou said while glaring everyone
"Shinsou I love you but don't come to my class being disrespectful okay?" I said causing some people to shut up including Shinsou "fine I'm sorry, good luck okay" Shinsou said while giving me a hug "okay you to"
I finally made it out of the group of people.

I drive back home to finish some homework and just relax and prepare for tomorrow's event.

Time skip
All of UA's first years are here, and 'wow' the stadium is huge "wow it's so big" little did I know about the trap I just walked into "that's what she said" Denki starts laughing his ass off from his own joke "keep keekeeing over there, watch what happens" I was leaning into his face with a devilish smirk on my face "aww nothing to say now, how cute" Denki was practically redder then a tomato.

"Okay let's get started, as you know I am Midnight and welcome to the annual UA sports festival" the stadium cheers and shouts I look around for my parents because they said they would take the day off to watch, "oh I see my parents there over near all might" I waved to where my parents were sitting at, they saw me and waved back.

"First we will have our representatives come up, Bakugou and Cassidy" 'omg I hope Bakugou doesn't say anything stupid' was the only thing on my mind walking up the podium "I'm number one and I'll beat all of you extras" 'and he said something stupid' I mentally face palmed myself until it was my turn "welp hey errbody I just got one thing to say and that is.... I will actually be number 1, so tough luck for y'all hoes" I turned around to everyone laughing or just shaking their head, and of course uraraka pretending like she didn't just hear the statement I just made.

"Now that that's out of the way we will now start with the obstacle race!" Midnight had announced and everyone got to there starting spots.

Before running I read Todoroki's mind to see what he's planning 'oh so that's what you finna do' once Todoroki goes with his plan of freezing everyone I begin to call on Oya so I can manipulate the wind to make my fly.

So far all of class 1-A and a few other people made it out running trying to be #1, the robots from the entrance exam had shown up with Mic's loud ass announcing it "I guess it's time for the fun to start" I call on Shango and make fire twin katanas which I use to cut the robot in front of me in half, I keep running till I see a big canyon (I forgot what they called it) some people walked on the ropes while I use the wind again to carry me over it.

I keep running as fast as possible not even realizing that I'm in first place "mine valley" a few people ran up before being blown away by the mines in then ground, since it was the last obstacle I wanted to show off a bit so I made a tornado that won't harm anyone and stood at the top of it(more like flew but same thing) "HEY EXTRA YOUR NOT GOING TO BEAT ME!!" Bakugou looked pissed that I was in the lead but I just ignored him and kept going. Once I was close enough I got rid of the Toronto and ran to the finish line, and got first place "yay I did it" I was so happy so I ran and gave the squad a big hug once they all made it

"OI extra let me go" "good job Cassidy you did great" Kiri and Sero said at the same time "yeah Cassidy you did really good" Mina had given me this blinding smile "
Hey that's my baby, period baby girl" mom and dad where cheering on me from their spots. "Next we will be doing the Calvary battle"

Midnight explains and since I was first place I have the most points but nobody wanted to be on my team. After a while I convinced Sero and Mina "hey Shinsou do you want to be on my team?" I was really hoping he said yes "okay, I don't have a team anyways to why not" I finally got my team together.

In the beginning everyone had came for us so I used my super strength to clap making everyone move back. We grabbed like 3 headbands just for fun, Todoroki was trying his hardest to take my headband but little did he know I switched it with someone else's headband "sorry Todoroki but I don't wanna loose" I said to him as the time was up, and of course we won.

Author pov
It was time for break but while Cassidy was about to leave and get some food, she noticed that Todoroki and Modoria weren't there "hold up y'all I'll be back"
Cassidy found the two boys but saw they where having a conversation.

After listening to the whole thing she noticed that Bakugou was listening to 'what the fuck are you doing' Cassidy mouthed to Bakugou as he just ignored her.
Once the boys were done talking Cassidy finally caught on to what All might was telling her all those months ago.

Flash back time
"Hey all might so wassup?" All might was in his small form when Cassidy walked in "oh so you remember I told you I was looking for a successor?" Cassidy had to think for a bit before remembering "yeah, why?" "I found one he's this kid that I found I was wondering if you wanted to meet him since I've told you about this stuff" she was thinking about it before answering "no thanks I want to figure it out myself, I like challenges anyways"

End of flash back
Cassidy's pov
'Ohhh Izuku is his successor' I don't know why I never noticed, but anyways I think I'll tell him I know about one for all and stuff after the festival. I went back to my friends getting my food and just talking and relaxing before the last round of the sports festival.

Hey everyone welcome to the end of this chapter,
Hope you enjoyed it and see you later.
Word count: 1319

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